Dr Nigel Newton

Swydd: Darlithydd mewn Addysg

Ysgol:​ Ysgol Addysg a Pholisi Cymdeithasol Caerdydd

E-bost: nnewton@cardiffmet.ac.uk


Grwpiau Ymchwil

  • Cyd-arweinydd Pontio-Trawsnewidiadau Addysgol Gydol Oes / Pontio Addysgol ar draws y Grŵp Ymchwil Hyd Oes (ETAL)
  • Aelod o Grŵp Ymchwil Addysg a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol Caerdydd


  • BERA
  • Cymdeithas Polanyi

Diddordebau Ymchwil

Mae gan Dr Newton ddiddordeb mewn trawsnewidiadau addysgol, yn enwedig ôl-16 a gwneud penderfyniadau; Diwylliannau ysgol a sefydliadol; Cynllunio'r cwricwlwm a deddfiad; y berthynas gymhleth rhwng gwerthoedd a diddordebau personol; methodolegau cymysg. Mae ei waith yn seiliedig ar bryderon am gyfiawnder cymdeithasol ac thegwch o fewn systemau addysgol.


  • Ymchwilydd Achrededig yr ONS

Cyfrifoldebau Proffesiynol Eraill

  • Aelod o Fwrdd Golygyddol The Curriculum Journal, BERA


Newton, Nigel (2020). The rationale for subsidiarity as a principle applied within curriculum reform and its unintended consequences; The Curriculum Journal.

Power, S.; Newton, N.; Taylor, C. (2020). 'Successful futures for all?' The challenges of parity in curriculum innovation and outcomes for Wales. The Curriculum Journal.

Newton, Nigel (2019). The place of knowledge within the curriculum from a Polanyian perspective; Tradition and Discovery (the journal of the Polanyi Society).


Newton, N., Power, S., & Taylor, C. (2019). Successful futures for all: explorations of curriculum reform. Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods: Cardiff, UK.

Arthur, James; Wilson, Kenneth; Godfrey, Ray; Gray, Ben; Newton, Nigel (2009). Values and Character: Higher Education and Graduate Employment. University of Birmingham; Canterbury Christ Church University; Templeton Foundation.

Erthyglau Eraill

New Welsh curriculum may make education more holistic but students might miss out on subject knowledge; April 4th 2019, The Conversation (https://theconversation.com)

A New Welsh Curriculum; Research Intelligence (BERA); February 8th 2019.

Hopes and fears: The development of a new curriculum in Wales; Thursday 15 November 2018, British Education Research Association online blog, accessed: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/hopes-and-fears-the-development-of-a-new-curriculum-in-wales

What Quaker schools can teach the rest of the class about equality, mutual respect and learning; November 24, 2017, The Conversation (https://theconversation.com)

Lessons on learning from "La La Land"; May, 2017, The New York Academy of Public Education Professional Journal.

How to help teachers become inspiring; May, 2016, The New York Academy of Public Education Professional Journal.

Why there are no limits to your willpower; February 15, 2016, The Conversation (https://theconversation.com)

Papurau Cynhadledd

What values and beliefs do Quaker schools communicate to their students and does it matter educationally? British Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion Study Group (SocRel) Annual Conference, 10th July, 2019, Cardiff.

Developing a new curriculum in Wales for the benefit of all learners - Symposium. WISERD Conference, 3rd July, 2018.

Equality, inclusiveness and mutual respect: the educational significance of Quaker school culture. Paper at BERA Annual Conference, 11th September, 2018, Newcastle.

Successful Futures for All - Symposium. WISERD Conference, 18th July, 2018.

Real cultures of mutual respects - lessons from research in Quaker schools. Workshop at BERA Alternative Education conference, London, "Alternative ways of educating teachers to educate children differently: What do curriculum, assessment and pedagogy look like when 'done differently'?" 23rd June 2018.

In search of truth, values and validity Michael Polanyi's theory of knowledge, Habermas and interdisciplinary research. Polanyi Society Conference - Polanyi Studies: Past, Present and Future, Wisconsin, U.S.A., August 2016.

Students' approaches to learning in Quaker schools. Quaker Schools Governors Conference, Warwick, February 2015.

Student Course Decision-making and Academic Success. European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul, September 2013.

Understanding the Effects of School Culture on Student Learning University of Bristol, Graduate School of Education, Graduate Conference on Educational Research, June 2013.

Students' course choice: Discovering the relationship between students' expressions of interest in the contents of A-Level courses and their subsequent academic performance in a college context. Oxford University, Graduate Education Conference, March 2013.​


Developing a Cardiff University Toolkit for School Governing Bodies in Wales. A research and development project funded by the Welsh Government aimed at developing a set of resources to assist school governing bodies in Wales evaluate their contribution and effectiveness. June 2019 to December 2019.

Successful Futures for all? A Welsh Government funded research project on the development of the new Welsh curriculum and its potential impact on more disadvantaged learners. December 2017 to May 2019.

Work based mentoring for pupils at risk of dropping out post-16; using concepts of learning power; in collaboration with a secondary school and Education Business Partnership, Lincoln, June 2016 - November 2017.

Research on the use of e-learning to help develop students' study engagement and design of an e-learning course, with short animations, to support students' use of the ELLI tool. UFI charitable trust funded project, October 2015 - August 2016.

Involved in the research design of a project to look at ways to improve first year undergraduate STEM students' academic progress. Fullerton College, University of California, December 2014 - February 2015.

Development of an interactive tool to help students choose their post-16 courses. St Laurence School, Wiltshire, September 2010 - September 2012.

Self-directed curriculum and self-assessment within the English lesson: how students understand autonomy. Action-research project at New College, Swindon, January 2011 to May 2011.

Students' use information in their course decision-making. LSC funded project at New College, Swindon, 2010.

AS to A2 progression and knowledge transmission. LEA funded project conducted in Swindon, September 2008 to August 2009.


Mae ymchwil Dr Newton yn cynnwys gwaith ar weithwyr graddedig, dewis cwrs myfyrwyr, asesu ffurfiannol, diwylliant ysgolion, diwygio'r cwricwlwm a llywodraethu ysgolion. Mae wedi darparu hyfforddiant ac ymgynghoriaeth athrawon mewn perthynas â meithrin arweinyddiaeth myfyrwyr, cymhelliant dysgu a sgiliau cyflogadwyedd.

Cyn hynny, cydlynodd ymchwil yn WISERD, Prifysgol Caerdydd, "Dyfodol Llwyddiannus i bawb", a ariannwyd gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru a oedd yn archwilio effaith bosibl diwygio'r cwricwlwm yng Nghymru ar blant o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. O ganlyniad i'r ymchwil hwn, cyflwynodd dystiolaeth i Bwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.

Roedd ei ymchwil PhD ym Mhrifysgol Bryste yn archwilio'r berthynas rhwng diwylliant ysgolion ac ymgysylltiad addysgol myfyrwyr. Cynhaliwyd yr ymchwil yn ysgolion y Crynwyr yn Lloegr ac mae'r canfyddiadau'n tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd gwarediad tuag at gynwysoldeb mewn perthynas â pharodrwydd myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan yn y cyfleoedd dysgu y mae eu hysgol yn eu darparu.

Cyn hynny, bu'n dysgu Saesneg, Gwareiddiad Clasurol a Datblygu'r Byd yn bennaf mewn Addysg Bellach. Ysgrifennodd hefyd ar gyfer TES FE Focus ar ystod o bynciau gan gynnwys marchnata coleg,au proffesiynoldeb y darlithydd a'r 'economi sgiliau'. Am sawl blwyddyn, roedd Dr Newton yn gyfarwyddwr prosiectau yn gweithio gyda teclyn proffilio dadleoli dysgu a ddatblygwyd ym Mhrifysgol Bryste. Ymhlith y prosiectau a gydlynodd a'u cefnogi roedd datblygu sgiliau arwain mewn dysgwyr ysgol yn Lloegr a chefnogi dilyniant israddedig y genhedlaeth gyntaf yng Nghaliffornia.

Mae gan Dr Newton ddiddordeb hefyd yn y defnydd o dechnoleg i gefnogi addysg; yn ddiweddar tynnodd o ymchwil gyda llywodraethwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru i ddatblygu gwefan gyda'r nod o gefnogi eu gwaith a magu hyder; Yn flaenorol, cynlluniodd offeryn ar-lein arobryn i helpu myfyrwyr i wneud penderfyniadau ar ddewis cwrs ôl-16.

Mae ei ysgrifennu academaidd yn cynnwys papurau ar ddulliau ymchwil, diwygio'r cwricwlwm, diwylliant ysgolion a theori addysgol.

Mae Dr Newton yn hapus i ystyried goruchwylio unrhyw fyfyrwyr PhD y mae eu gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar unrhyw un o'r themâu a grybwyllir uchod​.​