Leading Teams

​​​Leading Teams is the sport leadership consultancy practice of the internationally recognised Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University. The idea for the service emerged from participant feedback over a period of time during training workshops and research projects in elite sport. Those involved in the field expressed an active interest in professional development & pragmatic advice delivered in a flexible and cost effective way.​



​​​Our focus is on supporting elite coaches, players and managers in the professional te​am sports sector address contemporary leadership challenges and improve individual & collective performance. We don't subscribe to any one particular model or methodology but really listen to what you need and then focus on what works best for your circumstances.

Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences is a recognised centre of excellence within the United Kingdom and beyond. We have established a strong reputation for the quality of our teaching, research and enterprise work. Our operating model and cost structure means that we are able to provide knowledgeable and practical advice at competitive rates.

The depth of talent in the School - we have 100 members of staff - allows us to complement our focus on leadership development and team management with expertise in other relevant areas such as sports coaching, sports psychology, sports science and performance analysis.

While our roots are in academic endeavour and creating learning environments we are also grounded in the realities and demands of modern professional sport and contemporary sport leadership with many of our staff involved in coaching and advising elite sports squads.