Trafodion mewn cynadleddau:
Tripathi C., Lampel, J. a Massini, S. (2021), Market Dominance and Imitative Response to Product Proliferation: Safbwynt Dynameg Cystadleuol, cyfarfod blynyddol yr Academi Reolaeth, 2021, Gorffennaf 29 - Awst 4.
Tripathi C., Lampel, J. a Massini, S. (2019), Cyflymder Cloc y Diwydiant ac Ymateb Cadarn i Reoliadau Amgylcheddol yn y Diwydiant Automobile Indiaidd, cyfarfod blynyddol yr Academi Rheolaeth, 2019, Boston, Awst 9-13.
Tripathi, C. (2017), How Do Competitive Dynamics In Developing Countries Drive Domestic Firms To Imitate The Dominant Firm’s Product Innovations?, British Academy of Management Conference- 2018, The University of West England, Bristol, UK
Tripathi, C. (2017), Developing innovation capabilities through imitation in the context of prevalent modular design and manufacturing in Indian automobile sector, AMBS Doctoral Conference- 2017, The University of Manchester, UK
Tripathi, C. (2013), Internationalisation of Indian firms: an evolutionary view from more policy- driven internationalisation to industry/firm-driven internationalisation, Reading-UNCTAD International Business Conference, 2013, Henley Business School, Reading, DU
Tripathi, C. (2012), Internationalisation of Developing Country Multinationals: A Study of Process, Motivation, and Strategy of Indian Firms in the U.K., 3rd COST-EIBA/EIASM Doctoral Think Tank COST action IS0905: The emergence of southern multinationals and their impact on Europe, University of Sussex, Brighton, DU.