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Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd>Proffiliau Staff>Rufus-Olufemi-Adebayo

Dr Rufus Olufemi Adebayo

Darlithydd: Rheoli Marchnata

Adran: Marchnata a Strategaeth

Rhif/lleoliad swyddfa: 1.41b

Rhif ffôn:+44 (0) 2920 206618

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Trosolwg/bywgraffiad byr

​​​Cyn ac ar ôl cwblhau PhD mewn Marchnata yn llwyddiannus, bu Dr Rufus Adebayo yn dysgu modiwlau Marchnata, Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus a Busnes ym Mhrifysgol Technoleg Durban, Durban (DUT), South Africa and Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA - Honoris United Universities). Ar hyn o bryd, mae Dr Rufus yn Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata yn Adran Marchnata a Strategaeth, Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd. Mae'n arweinydd modiwl ac yn ddarlithydd ar draws rhaglenni lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig. Mae Rufus yn rhoi pwyslais mawr ar y nodweddion a'r sgiliau addysgu ar lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, a goruchwyliaeth ôl-raddedig astudiaethau rhyngddisgyblaethol (y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau, Busnesau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol). Mae wedi goruchwylio llawer o fyfyrwyr copa, myfyrwyr meistr, a myfyrwyr PhD yn llwyddiannus.

Mae gan Dr Rufus dros 11 mlynedd o brofiad addysgu mewn astudiaethau rhyngddisgyblaethol gyda chyhoeddiadau ymchwil o ansawdd uchel.

Mae ei ymchwil wedi cynnwys ymgysylltu'n drylwyr â phrif feysydd ymholi a methodoleg ymchwil ansoddol a meintiol. Mae ei ymchwil (gyda nifer o gyhoeddiadau ymchwil) yn adlewyrchu diddordeb angerddol yn yr amgylchiadau penodol lle mae marchnatwyr dielw a chymdeithasol yn rhyngweithio â'r busnes. Mae'n canolbwyntio’n benodol ar neilltuo technegau marchnata, rheoli, brandio, rhethreg, defnydd iaith mewn marchnata, rheoli cyfathrebu a chreu delweddau gan sefydliadau elw a dielw.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae'n gweithio fel Aelod o Gymdeithas Ymchwil Marchnata De Affrica (SAMRA). Aelod Cyswllt o Sefydliad Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus De Affrica (PRISA). Mae’n Olygydd Cyswllt yr African Journal for Rhetoric (AJR). Aelod o'r Bwrdd: African Journal of Inter/ Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS), Aelod o Fwrdd Cynghori Golygyddol: Journal of Global Business Insights (JGBI), Prifysgol De Florida Sarasota-Manatee, UDA. Aelod, Pwyllgor Adolygu Papur Gwyddonol Cynhadledd Fyd-eang ar Fusnes ac Economeg (GLOBE), Florida, UDA. Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Gwyddonol Rhyngwladol: Canadian Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, Canada.


  • Mae Dr Rufus yn Arweinydd Modiwl ar gyfer Cyflwyniad i Reoli Marchnata [BSP4064].
  • Mae'n arwain sesiynau addysgu a seminar ar gyfer Cyflwyniad i Reoli Marchnata [BSP4064].
  • Mae'n arwain seminarau ar gyfer Marchnata yn yr 21ain Ganrif [BSP3001].
  • Mae'n arwain seminarau ar gyfer MBA Marchnata [MBA7003] Cwrs.
  • Mae Dr Rufus hefyd yn goruchwylio prosiectau marchnata capstone [BSP6079-6082] - Prosiectau Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus, Gwerthu, Hysbysebu a Brandio.
  • Mae'n goruchwylio o fewn MBA7066 Goruchwylio Prosiectau Busnes Newydd - Prosiectau Busnes Newydd ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol [MBA7066].


​​Ymchwil Cyfredol ac Arfaethedig:

  • Costello, J. and Adebayo, R.O. Book chapter [Native Advertising and Digital Platforms] by Taylor and Francis entitled: Native Advertising: Concepts, Theory, and Practice – Submitted.
  • Adebayo, R.O. Analysing Political Rhetoric, Humour, Mockery, Product Development & Social Media Impact in the 2023 Nigerian Electoral Process: The Case of Labour Party (LP) “Elluu P” – Work in Progress.
  • Adebayo, R.O. Artificial Intelligence, and the New Face of Retailing Industry in the United Kingdom: A Case of Amazon Fresh Retailing Outlets – Prospects and Challenges – Work in Progress.
  • Adebayo, R.O. Acculturation, and socio-cultural diversity in businesses: A comparative analysis of Nigerian, Eritrea, Egyptian, and Somalian Migrants in Cardiff, UK – Work in Progress.

Cyhoeddiadau allweddol

  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2023). Influencing Factors between the Choice of Product and Choice of Language Elements within Advertising and Marketing Communication in Durban, South Africa. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, IJEBL Vol. 12. In press.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Abon, J.K. (2023). Rhetorical Use of Social Distancing: New Organisational Language and Communication. African Journal of Rhetoric. Vol. 15. pp. 15–35. In press.
  • Ojediran, O.A and Adebayo, R.O. (2023). “The Impact of Total Rewards on Employee Retention: A case of First Aluminium of Nigeria (FAN) organisation” International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science. IJRBS OL 12 NO 3 (2023) ISSN: 2147-4478. p.122-130
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2023). Divergences and the Sermonic Replications in the Interpreters’ Oral Interpretation among Pentecostal Churches. International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science. IJRBS Vol. 12 No 2: p (2023) ISSN. p.2147-4478
  • Ezenwafor, E., Adebayo, R.O., and Okafor, E.G. (2022). Predictors of Intention to Adopt Fintech among Digitally Active Customers in Nigeria: Online Savings and Investment Platforms [OSIPs]. International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science (2147-4478), Vol. 11, No. 10, ISSN: 2147-4478. p. 180-190.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2022). Rhetoric and Religion in Africa: An Expression of Language, Spirituality, and Incantation Discourse – Book Chapter. African Journal of Rhetoric. Book Chapter [17] - Lexington Books, USA.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2022). Decolonising language in marketing and advertising for native consumers: prospects and challenges. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, Vol. 11, (4): 329-350.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Abon, J.K. (2021). Addressing distance learning during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic: Re-imagining ethical issues and requirements. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies. Volume 3 (Special Issue), 64-73.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2021). The Services Marketing Mix: Theoretical Views of Church Services Marketing. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Administration and Management, Vol. 21 (7). 24-35.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2021). Business, Marketing, and Religion: Analysing Marketing Process. American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM). Vol. 4(6). Pp. 30-38
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2021). Christian Communication, Forms, and Secular Dimensions of Language. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies. Vol. 3(2021), 91-102.
  • Abon, J.K. and Adebayo, R.O. (2021). Potential Professional Football Club: A Business-Oriented Organisation. Management and Marketing Journal. Vol. XIX, (1): pp. 27-45.
  • Nkosi, T.P. and Adebayo, R.O. (2021). An exploration of the Progression Policy and its effects on learner achievement in KwaZulu-Natal. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 9(3), 61-70 DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.005
  • Nkosi, T.P. and Adebayo, R.O. (2021). Teachers’ Perceptions of Parental Involvement among Selected Secondary Schools in the Pinetown District, Durban. Eurasia Journal of Business and Management. 9(1), 61-70 DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2021.09.01.005
  • Abon, J.K. and Adebayo, R.O. (2020). The use of marketing as a tool for competitive advantage among potential and professional football clubs in KZN, South Africa. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management. 8(4), 319-335 DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2020.08.04.004
  • Mbewu, N.F. and Adebayo, R.O. (2020). A Rhetoric Analysis of Reputation Management among Universities in South Africa. African Journal of Rhetoric. Vol. 12. pp. 65–95.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2020). Shopping for Salvation: A Comparative Approach of the Place of Worship and Marketplace in South Africa. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Vol. 8: (8), Article 6. doi:
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Govender, J.P (2020). Marketing as an enabler for churches to fulfill their social responsibilities. Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies. Vol. 19(55): pg. 3-19.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2019). Commoditisation, Materialism, and Pentecostal Christian Churches. Alternation Journal: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa. Special Edition 29. ISSN: 2519-5476. pp125 – 148.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2019). Miracle as a Spiritual Event and as a Marketing Tactic among NeoCharismatic Churches: a Comparative Study. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap - Journal for Christian Scholarship. Vol. 55(1 & 2): pg. 105-125.
  • Adebayo, R.O. (2018). Adoption and Adaptation of Rhetorical Devices in South African Pentecostal Churches. African Journal of Rhetoric. Vol 10, ISSN 1988-2054, pp41-66.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Zulu, S.P. (2018). Use of Language and Communication among the Pentecostal Evangelical Charismatic Churches in Durban, South Africa. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies. 9 (1): ISSN: 2141-6990.
  • Adebayo, R.O. and Govender, J.P. (2015). Using Marketing as a Means to ‘Sell’ Salvation. African Journal of Rhetoric, 7, ISSN 1988-2054, pp249-273.

Prosiectau a gweithgareddau eraill

​​Goruchwyliaeth PhD Allanol Ar y gweill

Investigating the Behaviour of Small Investors in South Africa Derivatives Market: A Factor Analysis of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). (PhD Business Administration).

Goruchwyliaeth Meistr Allanol ar y gweill

Influence of Social Media on Organisational Communication and Organisational Culture: A Case Study of South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) IN EASTERN CAPE. (M.Sc. Public Relations). Submitted for Examinations

Role of the Educational Background on English Language Proficiency: A Case of the Durban University of Technology Students (M.A. Media, Language & Communication). Submitted for Examinations

Rôl Dinesig Ethekwini wrth Hwyluso Parodrwydd SMME ar gyfer y Pedwerydd Chwyldro Diwydiannol (MSc. Gweinyddu Busnes).

Rolau Safoni Papurau Arholiad Allanol​

​​​​Marketing Research III (MKR31P1/ MKR36P1)WSU2023-2024​
Marketing Research 3 (MARE7311)THE IIE2022-2023
Retail Management 3A (RETM7311)THE IIE2021-2022
Marketing Research 3 (MARE7311)THE IIE2021-2022
Retail Operations Management 3BDUT2017-2018
Retail Operations Management 3BDUT2017-2018
Management Information System 2 (B-Admin)DUT2017-2018
Marketing for Public Relations 201 - MPR201Oval College2017-2018
Marketing Management 301 - MKT301Oval College2017-2018
Tourism Development TDV302Oval College2017-2018
Tourism Development TDV202Oval College2017-2018
Tour Guiding TOG202Oval College2017-2018
Journalism for Public Relations MES302Oval College2017-2018

Dolenni allanol