Glanfield, K. (2018). Brand Transformation: Transforming firm performance by disruptive, pragmatic, and achievable brand strategy. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Glanfield, K., Ackfeldt, A. L. & Melewar, T. C (2018). Corporate branding’s influence on front-line employee and consumer value co-creation in UK household consumer markets. Journal of General Management, 43(2), 63-69.
Glanfield, K., Evanschitzky, H., Saunders, J., Rudd, J. M. (2017). Corporate identity at the stakeholder group level: a conceptual model of front line employee corporate identity. International Studies of Management & Organization, 47(2), 135-158.
Glanfield, K., Wolf, C., & Burke, G. T. (2021). Marketing-as-Practice: Unpacking diversity in marketing practice and the role of the market. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference, 2021.
Glanfield, K., Dose, D. and Reedy P (2019). The mutuality of mutuals: the role of the corporate brand and it’s brand community in a “moralised” organisation. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference 2019, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Daniels-Gombert, G., Glanfield, K., & Leeflang, P. S. (2018). Mixed Signals: The Differing Effects Of Corporate Identity Cues On Front-Line and Back-Office Employees’ Organisational Identification And Role Behaviours. Paper presented at 21st World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal.
Glanfield, K., Reedy, P., & Coupland, C. (2017).Brand identity: a post acquisition integrator?. Paper presented at 3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation, Hendon, UK.
Glanfield, K., de Chernatony, L., & Suvatjis, Y. (2015).My brand? Your brand? Or our brand? Integrating retail front-line employees post an acquisition. Paper presented at Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy.
Reedy, P., Coupland, C., & Glanfield, K. (2015). Managerialism and the decline of democratic consciousness. Paper presented at International Conference in Critical Management Studies, Leicester, United Kingdom.