H Egede, Dispute Avoidance and Conflict Resolution in the Oil & Gas Industry: The Role of African Social Ordering Norms in Sargent S., Samanta J., (eds) 2019 Indigenous Rights: Changes and Challenges in the 21st Century 2nd ed (University of Buckingham Press)
H Egede The ICJ Bakassi Decision: The Rights of Indigenous Communities and Populations in the Bakassi Peninsula Type: Book Chapter Reference: in Egede E., Ighiehon M., (eds) The Bakassi Dispute and the International Court of Justice: Continuing Challenges (Routledge, 2017)
H Egede, E Egede The Force of the Community in the Niger Delta: Propositions for New Oil and Gas Legal and Contractual Arrangements (2016) 25(1)Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 45
H Egede African' Social Ordering' Grundnorms and the Development of an African Lex Petrolea (2016) 28 Denning Law Journal 138-165.
H Egede, Shrouded gender and reproductive issues in Child Welfare and Protection Proceedings Denning Law Journal 23 (2011) 202-226
RG Lee, T Egede, L Frater, S Vaughan (2008) 'Legal Implications of the Nord Stream Pipeline' (Report for the European Parliament) EP/EXPO/B/AFET/2008/02 PE 388.930 EN.
T Egede, RG Lee Banking and the Environment: Not Liability but Responsibility, Journal of Business Law (2007) November 868-883
Cynadleddau, Seminarau, Ymrwymiadau Siarad a Lledaenu Ymchwil
H Egede, Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: Legal Implications for HR Professionals at the TCN Human Resource Professional Leadership Learning Summit (August 2020)
H Egede, Legal Implications of the Draft Nigerian Sickle Cell Bill, Invited Talk by the Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management Initiative (SAMI) (World Sickle Cell Day, June 2020)
H Egede, Energy Justice: Understanding the Barriers to Solving the Intractable Problem in Ghana and Tanzania Energy Solutions: Energizing a Billion Lives, OU Stakeholders Engagement Workshop, Accra, Ghana, April 2018.
H Egede, Invited talk in Women in the World: Making a World for Women, WWAFE House of Lords Seminar Series (June 2016).
H Egede, Minding the Regulatory Gaps in the African Biometrics Experiment: The Nigerian Case Study 15th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation Open University (June 2015).
H Egede, Engagement with the Force of the Community in Conflict Resource Regions in Africa: Propositions for New Legal Arrangements Current Legal and Policy Issues in the African Energy Sector Roundtable Conference, University of Buckingham, October 2014.
H Egede, Safe and Secure energy, Resource nationalism or Energy liberalization: Which way forward Energy and Climate workshop, University of Buckingham, May 2012.
H Egede, Status and rights of Involuntarily Childless Women in sub-Saharan Africa Invited seminar presentation on Women's Rights in Africa at the Cardiff Centre for Human Rights, Cardiff Law School, March 2011.
H Egede, invited participant, Expert meeting on Social Aspects of Accessible Infertility Care in Developing Countries organised by Social Study group of the ESHRE Special Task Force on developing countries and infertility, Genk, Belgium, December 11-12, 2009. Summary of the meeting published in FV & V, ObGyn 2010, Monograph 66- 72. viii.
T Egede, Law and Your Environment: Promoting Environmental Citizenship, invited seminar presentation delivered at the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) staff seminar, Polaris House, Swindon, October 16, 2009.
H Egede, J Hatchard, Special Issue Editors, 'Energy: Contemporary Legal Issues in the Oil and Gas
Sector' the Denning Law Journal 2016 (28).