Cyhoeddiadau Dethol Diweddar:
Sabra A, Fung W-K. A Fuzzy Cooperative Localisation Framework for Underwater Robotic Swarms. Sensors. 2020; 20 (19): 5496. (Impact Factor 3.275; WoS & Scopus-indexed).
Adegboye MA, Fung WK, Karnik A. Recent Advances in Pipeline Monitoring and Oil Leakage Detection Technologies: Principles and Approaches. Sensors. 2019; 19 (11): 2548. (Ffactor effaith 3.275; mynegeio WoS & Scopus) [74 dyfyniad y cyrchwyd Google Scholar ar 27/04/2021]
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Johny J., Swyddog S., Fung WK, a Prabhu R., "Fluorescence lifetime assisted enhanced security feature in travel documents for border control and security applications," Proc.eithio ar gyfer rheoli ffiniau a cheisiadau diogelwch," Proc. SPIE 11166, Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies III, 1116608 (7 Hydref 2019);
Sabra A., Fung W., Churn P. (2019) Multi-objective Optimization of Confidence-Based Localization in Large-Scale Underwater Robotic Swarms. Yn: Correll N., Schwager M., Otte M. (gol) Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, cyf 9. Springer, Cham.
Sabra A., Fung WK a Prabhu R., "Confidence-based Underwater Localization Scheme for Large-Scale Mobile Sensor Networks," OCEANS 2018 MTS / IEEE Charleston, Charleston, SC, UDA, 2018, tt. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2018.8604878.