Oeppen Hill, J. (2020) ‘Logos, Ethos, Pathos and the marketing of higher education’. Journal of Marketing in Higher Education. Cyfrol 30.
Oeppen, J a Jamal, A. (2014) Collaborating for success: managerial perspectives on co-‑branding strategies in the fashion industry, Journal of Marketing Management, Cyfrol 30, rhif 9-10, tt. 925 - 948.
Cyflwyniadau cynhadledd
Oeppen-Hill, J a Dee, I (2018) ‘Transitioning into Fashion. Tales of a cross-school module designed to simulate industry practice’. Cynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu flynyddol Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.
Oeppen Hill, J (2018) ‘Selling the Dream? The Use of Rhetoric in the Communication of Fashion Marketing Degree Programmes’. Advances in Management and Informatics Conference. Caerdydd
Oeppen Hill, J (2017) ‘Marketing rhetoric as perpetuating (un)realistic expectations of the student customer’. 1st International Conference on Marketing (as) Rhetoric. Bournemouth.
Oeppen, J (2015) ‘Celebrity Product Branding - A Multiple Perspective Case Study’ Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium, Limerick.
Oeppen, J (2015) ‘Beyond Endorsement - A Case Study of Celebrity Brand Creation’. Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick.
Oeppen, J (2014) ‘Celebrity Product Branding - A Multiple Perspective Case Study’ IMC 2014 ‑ International Marketing Conference, Edinburgh.
Oeppen, J a Jamal, A. (2013) ‘Collaborating for Success Managerial Perspectives on Co‑Branding Strategies in the Fashion Industry’. Academy of Marketing Conference, Caerdydd. (Papur a Ddyfarnwyd y Gorau yn y Trac am Hunaniaeth Brand ac Enw Da Corfforaethol)