1. Chew, E., Lee, P. H. a Khan, U. S. (2021) Robot Activist for Interactive Child Rights Education, International Journal of Social Robotics. The International Journal for Social Robotics, 10.1007/s12369-021-00751-3 (Impact Factor 3.168; WoS & Scopus-index wedi'i rancio o fewn20uchaf dyfyniadau'r Prif Gyhoeddiadau Google Scholar)
2. Yang, J. a Chew, E. (2021) The Novel Design Model for Robotic Waitress, The International Journal for Social Robotics (Impact Factor 3.168; WoS & Scopus-indexed, wedi'i rancio o fewn20 uchaf dyfyniadau'r Prif Gyhoeddiadau GoogleScholar)
3. Chew, E. a Chua,X.N. (2020) Robotic Chinese language tutor: personalising progress assessment and feedback or taking over your job?, On the Horizon, ISSN: 1074-8121. (Scopus, ECSI Australian Education-Indexed).
4. Yang, J. a Chew, E. (2020) A Systematic Review for Service Humanoid Robotics Model in Hospitality, Springer International Journal for Social Robotics. (Impact Factor 3.168; indexed by WoS & Scopus, o fewn 20 uchaf cyhoeddiad Google Robotics)
5. Chew, E. a Turner, D. (2020) Can a Robot bring your life back? Robotics for Rehab. Springer Nature Book Chapter 1: Robotics in Healthcare: Field Examples and Challenges, Sequeira, J. (Gol) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1170. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
6. EurEKA Robotics Lab (2019 ) Tystiolaeth Ysgrifenedig wedi'i hysgrifennu gan Esyin Chew, Pwyllgor Addysg Parliment y DU YPedwerydd Tystiolaeth Chwyldro Diwydiannol (Cyhoeddiad Effaith Polisi).
7. Chew, E. (2017) What are the implications of artificial intelligence? In Love and War, Tystiolaeth Ysgrifenedig, Cyhoeddiadau PwyllgorDethol Gwybodaeth Artiffisial Parliment y DU.
8. Chew, E. (2018) In Love and War with Service Robots: the Passionate Deployment, Challenges and National Policy Implications,Prif Siaradwr y 6edGynhadleddRyngwladol ar dechnoleg a Chymwysiadau DeallusrwyddRobot: Roboteg a Deallusrwydd Peiriannau: Building Blocks for Industry 4.0, 16-18 Rhag 2018. Springer’s Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME), Springer Nature Singapore, tt.361-371. SBN: 978-981-13-8322-9 [IEEE and Scopus indexed]
9. Wong, N. W. H., Chew, E. a Wong, J. S-M. (2017). A review of educational robotics and the need for real-world learning analytics,14eg, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol ar Reoli, Awtomeiddio, Roboteg a Gweledigaeth (ICARCV), Phuket, Gwlad Thai 13 Tachwedd 2016. DOI 10.1109/ICARCV.2016.7838707 (CORE Ranked A; ISI indexed conference proceedings)
10. Chew Esyin a S.M.F. D Mustapha Syed (2004), 'Negotiation in a Multi-Dimensional CBR System’ Proceeding of The IEEE Conference on Cybernetic and Intelligent Systems, Singapore, 1191-1195. [ISI-indexed]
Technolegau Addysgol a Symudol:
1. Jones, N., Blackey, H., Fitzgibbon, F. a Chew, E., (2010) ‘Get out of MySpace!’, Elsevier Journal of Computers and Education, 54 (3), 776-782. [ISI-indexed]
2. Chew, E., Jones, N. a Turner, D. (2008) ‘Critical Review of the Blended Learning Models based on Maslow’s and Vygotsky’s Educational Theory’, In Fong, J. et al. (Gol), Hybrid Learning and Education, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5169, 40-53. [ISI-indexed].
3. Chew, E., Jones, N. a Turner, D. (2008) ‘The Marriage of Rousseau and Blended Learning: An Investigation of 3 Higher Educational Institutions' Praxis’, In Leung, H. et al. (Gol), Advances in Web Based Learning, Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4823, 641-652. [ISI-indexed].
4. Chew, E., Turner, D. a Jones, N. (2009) Chapter 1 - ‘In Love and War: Blended Learning Theories for Computer Scientists and Educationists’, In Wang, F., L. Fong, J. and Kwan, R., C. (Gol), The Handbook for Hybrid Learning Models: Advanced Tools, Technologies and Applications, PA: Information Science Reference, tt.1-23.
5. Chew, E., Jones, N a Blackey, H. (2010) ‘Implementing Institutional Online Assessment – Addressing the Challenges’, In P. Tsang, S. K. S. Cheung, V. S. K., Lee, R. Huang (Eds), Hybrid Learning, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6248, 453-464. [ISI, Scopus-indexed]
6. Chew, E. a Ding, S. L. (2014) The Zone of Proximal and Distal Development of the Chinese Language Studies with the Use of Wikis, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(2), 184-201. [ISI-indexed]
7. Chew, E., Ding, S., L. a Rowell, G. (2015) Changing Attitudes in learning and assessment: Cast-off ‘plagiarism detection’ and cast-on self-service assessment for learning, Journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52(5), 454-463.. DOI:10.1080/14703297.2013.832633 [ISI-indexed]
8. Chew, E., Snee, H., Price, T. (2016) Enhancing international postgraduates' learning experience with online peer assessment and feedback innovation, Journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 53(3), 247-259 [ISI-indexed]
9. Chew, E., Lee, P. L. a Ho, W.H. (2018) Enhancing Seamless Nurses-Physician Communication After-Hours with Google Glass, 11-12 Gorffennaf 2018 Kuala Lumpur, Cynhadledd Ryngwladol IEEE 2018 ar Gyfrifiadura Clyfar a Menter Electronig (ICSCEE) 2018 (Gwobrau Papur Gorau). 10.1109/ICSCEE.2018.8538415
10. Mishra, D, Chew, E, Ostrovska, S, Wong, J. (2020) Personal response systems through the prism of students' experiences. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1-15. (WoS & Scopus-indexed)