Swydd: Darlithydd
Ysgol: Ysgol Gwyddorau Chwaraeon ac Iechyd Caerdydd
E-bost: LVFreeman@cardiffmet.ac.uk
Rhif Ystafell: D3.15
Arweinydd Modiwl
• Seicoleg y Cyfryngau
• Materion ac Anhwylderau Plentyndod PSY5003
• Dadansoddi Data PSY4003
• Dulliau Ymchwil PSY4002
• Prosiect PSY6001
• Seicoleg Gymdeithasol 2 PSY5006
• Ymchwil ac Ystadegau PSY5002
• Llythrennedd Seicolegol PSY4009
Goruchwyliaeth Israddedig
• BSc Seicoleg: Dulliau ansoddol
• BSc Seicoleg: cyfryngau, plant
• BSc Seicoleg: magu plant, ac emosiwn
Goruchwyliaeth Meistr
• MSc Fforensig: Dulliau ansoddol
Goruchwylio Gradd Ymchwil Gyfredol
• Alison Walker: ‘Service-learning; how community work placements benefit both students and the community’
Erthyglau Cyfnodolion:
- Etheridge, L. & Senior, H. (In Press). “It’s a matter of your personality more than anything else”: The experiences of seasonal workers regarding challenging behaviour in children. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities.
- Mercer,J, Clay,J & Etheridge,L. (2016) Experiencing term-time employment as a non-traditional aged university student: a Welsh study. Research in Post-Compulsory Education Published online first DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2016.1195168
Llyfrau neu Benodau
- Bonniwell, N., Etheridge, L., Bagshaw, R., Sullivan, J & Watt, A. (2015). Mental health nurses’ perceptions of attachment style as a construct in a medium secure hospital: A thematic analysis. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, In Press.
- Franklin, L. (2012). Gender. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Franklin, L & Cromby, J. (awaiting publication – expected 2011).
“There might be 10 paedophiles sitting round in their front room”:
The 21st Century Monster. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
- Franklin, L & Cromby, J. (2010). Everyday Fear: Parenting and
Childhood in a Culture of Fear. In L.
- Franklin & R. Richardson (Eds.). The Many Forms of Fear,
Horror and Terror (pp. 161-174). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary
- Franklin, L. & Richardson, R. (Eds.) (2010). The Many Forms
of Fear, Horror and Terror. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Cyflwyniadau cynhadledd
- Franklin, L. & Cromby, J. (2010). “Life on the whole is more
complicated than it was…” Paper presented at ‘Changing Families in a
Changing World’, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Franklin, L. & Cromby, J. (2009). Everyday Fear: Parenting and
Childhood in a Culture of Fear. Paper presented at ‘Fear, Horror and
Terror’, IDNet, Oxford, UK.
- Franklin, L. & Cromby, J. (2009). “There might be 10 paedophiles
sitting round in their front room”: The 21st Century Monster. Paper
presented at ‘Monsters and the Monstrous’, IDNet, Oxford, UK.
- Franklin, L. (2009). ‘Parenting and Childhood in a Culture of
Fear’. Poster presented at the British Psychological Society Annual
Social Psychology Section Conference 2009, Sheffield, UK.
- Franklin, L. & Cromby, J. (2008). ‘Emotion Metaphors: Describing
the Indescribable’. Paper presented at ‘Subjectivity: International
Conference in Critical Psychology, Cultural Studies and Social
Theory’, Cardiff University, UK
Ymunodd Leanne â'r Adran Seicoleg Gymhwysol ym mis Medi 2010. Cyn hyn cwblhaodd ei PhD ym Mhrifysgol Loughborough.
Mae diddordebau addysgu Leanne yn canolbwyntio ar seicoleg gymdeithasol feirniadol, seicoleg ddatblygiadol, dulliau ymchwil ansoddol a seicoleg y cyfryngau. Yn ogystal, mae Leanne hefyd yn goruchwylio myfyrwyr israddedig a myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig (ar y graddau MSc Seicoleg Iechyd, MSc Seicoleg Fforensig a graddau Meistr mewn Dulliau Ymchwil). Cwblhaodd Leanne ei PgCTHE yn 2012 ac mae'n Gymrawd o'r Academi Addysg Uwch.
Mae diddordebau ymchwil Leanne yn unioni'n agos â'i haddysgu ac yn cynnwys: rhyw, risg, plentyndod, magu plant, emosiwn a'r cyfryngau; mae hi hefyd wedi ysgrifennu gwerslyfr ynglŷn â datblygiad rhyw: 'Gender' (cyhoeddwyd gan Palgrave yn 2012).