Dr Heidi Seage



 Swydd: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Seicoleg Iechyd, Cyfarwyddwr Rhageln MSc mewn Seicoleg Iechyd
 Ysgol: Ysgol Gwyddorau Chwaraeon ac Iechyd Caerdydd
 E-bost:   cglennan@cardiffmet.ac.uk  
 Ffôn: +44 (0)29 2020 5991​
 Rhif Ystafell: D3.10


• Materion cymhwysol mewn Seicoleg Iechyd
• Materion Biopseicogymdeithasol mewn Iechyd
• Newid ymddygiad Iechyd
• Seicoleg Wybyddol
• Materion Cyfoes mewn Seicoleg II
• Geneteg Dynol a Gofal Iechyd
• Llythrennedd Seicolegol
• Gwirfoddoli Gwaith a Seicoleg Gymhwysol
• Gwirfoddoli Gwaith a Seicoleg Gymhwysol II

• Tiwtor Personol i Israddedigion
• Goruchwylio prosiect ymchwil ar gyfer BSc Seicoleg
• Prosiectau MSc Seicoleg Iechyd
• Tiwtor Prosiect Sylfaen



  • Seage, C. H. & Lee, M. (2016) Do disinhibited eaters pay increased attention to food cues. Appetite, 108,  Pages 151–155
  • Seage, C H (2016) Pernicious Anemia’s impact on well-being- the stigma of living with the ‘fog’. Invited Speaker at the Pernicious Anemia Tenth Anniversary Conference, Birmingham, UK
  • Seage, C. H (2014) Understanding Stigma in Pernicious Anemia. Conference for the European Health Psychology Society, Limmasol Cyprus
  • Lee, M.D, Fouquet, C. H and Seage, C. H (2012) Neutral cues paired with chocolate reward increase food craving in healthy weight non restrained participants. Annual Meeting for the Society for the study of Injestive Behaviour (SSIB), Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Balgrove M. Henley-Einion, J., Barnett, A., Edwards, D & Seage, C. H (2011). A replication of the 5-7 day dream lag effect with comparison of dreams to future events as a control for baseline matching. Consciousness and Cognition; 20, 384–391.
  • Seage, C H (2011) Attention to conditioned food cues. Annual meeting of the British Feeding and Drinking Group, Belfast, UK.
  • Seage, C H (2011) Understanding attention to food cues. Appetite Research Day, Birmingham, UK.
  • Seage, C H (2011) Exploring the role of conditioning in attention to food cues. Annual Meeting of the Society for the study of Injestive Behaviour, Florida USA.
  • Kloep, M., Hendry, L. B, Gardener, C. and Seage, C. H (2010) Young people’s view of their present and future selves in two deprived communities. Journal of community and applied social psychology.
  • Seage, C H and Lee, M. D (2010) Manipulating attentional bias to food stimuli: can attentional retraining impact on ad libitum intake and hunger. Annual Meeting for the Society for the study of Injestive Behaviour (SSIB), Pittsburgh, USA.
  • Seage C. H (2010) The effect of motivational state and incentive salience of conditioned food cues on attention. Welsh Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Conference (WICN), Deganwy, Wales.
  • Seage, C. H (2010) Can attentional retraining influence ad libitum intake and appetite sensations. Annual Meeting of the British Feeding and Drinking Group, Maastricht, Netherlands.
  • Seage, C. H (2009) The role of disinhibition in attentional bias to food stimuli. Welsh Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (WICN), Summer Meeting. Cardiff, UK.



Dyfarnwyd PhD i Dr Heidi Seage o Brifysgol Abertawe yn 2012. Cwblhaodd ei MSc mewn Seicoleg Iechyd ym Mhrifysgol Morgannwg yn 2008. Mae hi'n gymrawd o'r Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA) Mae ganddi ddiddordeb mewn ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig â phob agwedd ar ymddygiad bwyta ac yfed. Prif ffocws ei hymchwil fu deall mecanweithiau gwybyddol sy'n cyfrannu at ddatblygiad gordewdra. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb hefyd mewn archwilio effaith seicolegol Pernicious Anemia. Mae Heidi yn dysgu ar bob lefel o'r rhaglen israddedig ac ar y MSc Seicoleg Iechyd. Mae hi'n oruchwyliwr prosiect ar gyfer BSc Seicoleg ac MSc Seicoleg Iechyd MSc