Dr Daniel Heggs




 Swydd: Pennaeth Adran a Prif Ddarlithydd mewn  Seicoleg
 Ysgol: Ysgol Chwaraeon a Gwyddor Iechyd Caerdydd
 E-bost: dheggs@cardiffmet.ac.uk
 Rhif Ystafell: Swît Cyfarwyddiaeth, Campws Llandaf​


Mae gan Dan brofiad helaeth o ddysgu ar lefelau israddedig ac ôl-raddedig;

  • Lefel 5: Seicoleg Gymdeithasol
  • Lefel 5: Dulliau ymchwil
  • Lefel 6: Iaith a Seicoleg Cymdeithasol
  • Lefel 6: Seicoleg y Cyfryngau
  • Lefel 6: Materion Cyfoes mewn Seicoleg 2
  • Ôl-raddedig: Dulliau Ymchwil a Dylunio (ar gyfer MSc Seicoleg Iechyd a MSc Seicoleg Fforensig)
  • Ôl-raddedig: Dulliau Ymchwil Gymhwysol a Dylunio (ar gyfer Rhaglenni MSc Gwyddor Gymdeithasol)




  • Heggs, D., Mercer, J. And Durniat, K (2011) ERASMUS partners in conversation: Psychology at the University of Wroclaw and University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 17 No. 2
  • Mercer, J.M. & Heggs, D.A. (2011). ‘…it’s difficult to study psychology in a different way’: Reflections of Polish ERASMUS students on a year of a psychology degree in the UK. Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 10(2).
  • Brown, T. and Heggs, D. A. (2010) From Hermeneutics To Post-Structuralism To Psychoanalysis. In Somekh, B. (ed) Research Methods in the Social Sciences. (2nd edition) London: Sage.
  • Thirlaway, K. and Heggs, D. A. (2005) Women’s Responses to a Risk Communication. Health, Risk and Society.
  • Heggs, D & Sellen J. S (2012) Challenges to Change: Social factor impact on change behaviour. Division of Forensic Psychology, British Psychological Society: Cardiff.
  • Jervis, C. & Heggs, D (2012) Young Fathers: The private lives of public enemies. Annual Conference. The British Psychological Society: London.
  • Sellen, J.L., Healey, S., Morgan-Armstrong, C. & Heggs, D. (2011). Family Centred Visits: Strengthening Family Bonds in Imprisoned Men. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Barcelona. June.
  • Cregg, M., Payne, E., McMurran, M., Heggs, D. & Sellen, J.L. (2011) Stop & Think! A feasibility study for a randomised control trial with adolescent males in custody. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Barcelona. June.
  • Nekovarova, I., Sellen, J.L., Morris, K., & Heggs, D. (2011). Measuring short-term offenders’ motivation to participate in prison based activities. Poster presented to the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Barcelona. June.
  • Nekovarova, I., Sellen, J.L., Morris, K., & Heggs, D. (2011). Measuring short-term offenders’ motivation to participate in prison based activities. British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology. Portsmouth, UK. June.
  • Sellen, J.L., Healey, S., Morgan-Armstrong, C. & Heggs, D. (2011). Family Centred Visits: Strengthening Family Bonds in Imprisoned Men. British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology. Portsmouth, UK. June.
  • Cregg, M., Payne, E., McMurran, M, Heggs, D. & Sellen, J.L. (2010). Stop & Think!: A feasibility study for a randomised control trial with adolescent males in custody. British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology. Kent, UK. June.
  • Heggs, D (2006) The influence of trust in interpreting health risk messages.Communication, Medicine and Ethics. Cardiff University.
  • Heggs, D (2006) Reading Risk Messages: Rigour and Reflexivity in Qualitative Methods. Qualitative Research and Marginalisation Conference. University of Leicester.
  • Heggs, D (2005) Women’s Responses to a Health Story: Risk and Myth. SCARR (Social Contexts and Responses to Risk) ESRC Priority Network launch Conference. University of Kent.



Mae Dr Heggs yn Seicolegydd Siartredig gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain, ac mae'n Brif Ddarlithydd mewn Seicoleg. Yn 2009 enillodd Dr Heggs wobr am gyfraniad rhagorol yng Ngwobrau Rhagoriaeth Staff UWIC. Mae Dan yn cyfrannu at arloesi a chynnal safonau mewn AU trwy ei gyfraniad at ddilysu rhaglenni newydd ym Met Caerdydd a'i rôl fel arholwr allanol yn UWE.

Symudodd Dan i dde Cymru ym 1998, a dechreuodd weithio mewn Addysg Uwch ym Mhrifysgol Morgannwg, cyn iddo symud i Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd. Mae Dan wedi dysgu’n helaeth ar bob lefel o ddarpariaeth israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, gan arbenigo mewn meysydd seicoleg gymdeithasol feirniadol a dulliau ymchwil ansoddol. Mae diddordebau academaidd ac ymchwil Dan yn ymwneud â meysydd rhyw, seicoleg risg, addysg a hunaniaeth. Mae Dan wedi goruchwylio ymchwil ôl-raddedig mewn rhyw a dosbarth, ac ar hyn o bryd mae'n ymwneud â goruchwylio ymchwil ar dadau ifanc a throseddwyr tymor byr a chyflogaeth.

Aelod Siartredig o Gymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain
Aelod o Adran Seicoleg Gymdeithasol BPS
Aelod o Adran Seicoleg Ansoddol BPS
Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch