Dr Andy Watt




 Swydd: Darllenydd mewn Seicoleg a Chydlynydd Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil CSHS
 Ysgol: Ysgol Gwyddorau Chwaraeron ac Iechyd Caerdydd
 Rhif ffôn: +44(0)29 2041 6890​
 Rhif Ystafell: D3.11  


Arweinydd Modiwl
• FPS7009 Sylfeini mewn Seicoleg Fforensig
• PRC8001 Dulliau Ymchwil Cymhwysol Uwch
• PSY6026 Seicoleg Fforensig Gynhywsol

Darlithydd Cyfrannol
• PSY6002 Seicoleg Glinigol
• PSY5025 Bregusrwydd Seicolegol Fforensig
• MRES Moeseg Ymchwil

Goruchwylio Graddau Meistr ac Israddedigion
• Traethawd Hir Seicoleg BSc
• Traethawd Hir Seicoleg Fforensig MSc

Goruchwylio Gradd Ymchwil (PhDs) - Wedi'i gwblhau
• Andrew Evered - Visual Learning And Proficiency Testing In Clinical Cytology Using Digital Media
• Jacqueline Campbell - Measuring and Enhancing Offenders’ Motivation for Treatment and Change
• Deiniol Skillicorn - Cognition and Emotion in Introvertive Anhedonia
• Stephanie Best - Diffusion of innovation in rural health and social care services
• Charlotte Hill - What changes for patients in medium secure care? A long term follow up of outcomes, care, supervision and patients' experiences
• Teri Howells - Developing Practical tools for measuring central disinhibition and asociality in clinical settings
 Joe Davies - Weight gain in secure psychiatric settings: The role of attentional bias, stress and dietary factors

Goruchwylio Gradd Ymchwil - Cyfredol
• Sedeek Ameer – Reasoning bias and religiosity
• Helen Yule – Perceptual learning processes in breast cancer screening
• Daniel Lawrence – Least restrictive clinical practice in Forensic Psychiatry
• Phillips Madsen – Indecision in NATO General staff​


Cyhoeddiadau diweddar:

  • Davies, J., Watt, A., Bagshaw, R., Hill, C., & Seage, H. (2023). Weight Gain is Not Associated with Antipsychotic Medication, Sociodemographic Factors, or Diagnosis in a Welsh Secure Mental Health Unit. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2023.2218287
  • Hill, C., Bagshaw, R., Hewlett, P., Perham, N., Davies, J., Maden, A., & Watt, A. (2023). Estimating the Effects of Secure Services on Reconviction. Part 1 -Predictive Validity of the Offending Groups Reconviction Scale (OGRS-2) and Redundancy of Patient Social and Clinical Features. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2023.2183528
  • Hill, C., Bagshaw, R., Hewlett, P., Perham, N., Davies, J., Maden, A., & Watt, A. (2023). Estimating the Effects of Secure Services on Reconviction. Part 2 -Fewer Convictions Than Expected? Six Year Follow Up of an England and Wales Medium Secure Cohort. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2023.2183528
  • Lawrence, D., Lee-Davies, T., Bagshaw, R., Hewlett, P., Taylor, P., & Watt, A. (in press). External validity and anchoring heuristics: application of DUNDRUM-1 to secure service gatekeeping in South Wales. British Journal of Psychiatry Bulletin.
  • Evered, A., Watt, A., Perham, N. (in press). Are sound abatement measures necessary in the cytology reading room? A study of auditory distraction. Cytopthology.
  • Evered, A., Walker, D., Watt, A., & Perham, N. (2015). Visual perception learning in cytopathology. In, Advances in visual perception research (Eds.). Pp 203-233. Nova Science Publishers, New York.
  • Evered, A., Walker, D., Watt, A., & Perham, N. (2015). Visual distraction in cytopathology: should we be concerned? Cytopathology.
  • Watt, A., Skillicorn, D., Clark, J., Evans, R., Hewlett, P., & Perham, N. (2015). Contextual representations may mediate sex differences in attraction. Evolution, mind and Behaviour.
  • Bonniwell, N., Bagshaw, R., Etheridge,L., Sullivan, J., & Watt, A. (2015). Mental health nurses’ perceptions of attachment style as a construct in a medium secure hospital: A thematic analysis. Journal of Mental Health Education Training and Practice. Vol 10.
  • Evered, A, Walker, D., Watt, A., & Perham, N. (2013). Untutored discrimination training on paired cell images influences visual learning in cytopathology. Cancer Cytopathology, 11/2013.
  • Evered, A., Walker, D., Watt, A., & Perham, N. (2013). To what extent does non-analytic reasoning contribute to visual learning in cytopathology? Cancer Cytopathology 02/2013
  • Bagshaw, R., Lewis, R., & Watt, A. (2012). Attachment theory-based approaches to treatment and problem behaviour in a medium secure hospital: effects of staff gender on ratings. Journal of Mental Health Education and Practice 7(4):191
Erthyglau yn cael eu hadolygu ar hyn o bryd
  • Skillicorn, D., & Watt, A. (under review). Novel use of the Stroop task to examine executive cognitive deficits in schizotypy. Canadian Journal of Experiemental Psychology.
  • Watt, A., & Skillicorn, D. (under review). Context processing impairment in negative schizotypy: Failure to form relational frames. The Psychological Record.
  • Watt, A., & Skillicorn, D. (under review). Double dissociation of positive and negative schizotypy trait dimensions in conditional learning. Submitted to Psychiatry Research.
  • Cadleron, A., Watt, A., Skillicorn, D., & Perham, N. (under review). An investigation into the effectiveness of Computational Thinking. British Journal of Educational Technology.
  • Payne, E., Watt, A., Rogers, P., McMurran, M. (2008).,Offence characteristics, trauma histories and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in life sentenced prisoners. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 10(1):17-25.
  • Watt, A., Topping-Morris, B., Rogers, P., & Mason, T. (2003). Pre-admission nursing assessment in forensic mental health (1991-2000): Part 2 - Comparison of traditional assessment with the items contained within the HCR-20 structured risk assessment. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40, 657-662
  • Watt, A., Topping-Morris, B., Mason, T., & Rogers, P. (2003). Pre-admission nursing assessment in forensic mental health (1991-2000): Part 1 – A preliminary analysis of practice and cost. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40, 645-655
  • Gray, N.S., Watt, A., Hassan, S., & MacCulloch, M.J. (2003). Behavioural Indicators of sadistic sexual murder predict the presence of sadistic sexual fantasy in a normative sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 1018-1034
  • Rogers, P., Watt, A., Gray, NS, MacCulloch, M, & Gournay, K. (2002). Content of command hallucinations can predict self-harm but not violence in a medium secure hospital. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 13, 251-262
  • Kington, J.M., Jones, L.A., Watt, A., Hopkins, E.J., & Williams, J. (2000). Impaired eye expression recognition in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 34, 341-347
  • MacCulloch, M.J., Gray, N.S., & Watt, A. (2000). Brittain’s sadistic murderer syndrome reconsidered: An associative account of the aetiology of sadistic sexual fantasy. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 11, 401-418
  • Honey, R.C., & Watt, A. (1999). Acquired relational equivalence between contexts and features. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 25 (3), 324-333
  • Honey, R.C., Watt, A., & Good, M. (1998). Hippocampal lesions disrupt an associative mismatch process. The Journal of Neuroscience, 18 (6), 2226-2230
  • Honey, R.C., & Watt, A. (1998). Acquired relational equivalence: Implications for the nature of associative structures. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 24 (3), 325-324
  • Watt, A., & Honey, R.C. (1997). Combining CSs associated with the same or different USs. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 50B (4), 350-367
  • Dickinson, A., Watt, A., & Varga, Z.I. (1996). Context conditioning and free-operant acquisition under delayed reinforcement. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 49B (2), 97-110
  • Dickinson, A., Balleine, B., Watt, A., Gonzalez, F., & Boakes, R.A. (1995). Motivational control after extended instrumental training. Animal Learning and Behaviour, 23 (2), 197-206
  • Leslie, J.C., Tierney, K.J., Robinson, P.C., Keenan, M., Watt, A., & Barnes, D. (1993). Differences between clinically anxious and non-anxious subjects in a stimulus equivalence training task involving threat words. The Psychological Record, 43, 153-161
  • Dickinson, A., Watt, A., & Griffiths, W.J.H. (1992). Free-operant acquisition with delayed reinforcement. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45B (3), 241-258
  • Watt, A., Keenan, M., Barnes, D., & Cairns, E. (1991). Social categorisation and stimulus equivalence. The Psychological Record, 41, 33-50
  • Keenan, M., & Watt, A. (1990). Concurrent behaviour and response-reinforcer contiguity. The Psychological Record, 40, 127-138



Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil mewn prosesau gwybyddol, iechyd meddwl dynol a gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Rwy'n gweithio'n agos gyda chydweithwyr yn yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd a gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru a De Orllewin Lloegr. Mae fy ymchwil cyfredol yn canolbwyntio ar dri maes, 1) y rhyngweithio rhwng emosiwn, prosesau gwybyddol gweithredol a diffygion dysgu cymhleth y tybir yn eang eu bod yn sail i sgitsoffrenia, 2) modelau o arddull ymlyniad oedolion a sut y gall y rhain lywio rheolaeth pobl mewn gofal iechyd meddwl diogel, 3) prosesau dysgu wrth gaffael gallu diagnostig gweledol.

Cadeirydd Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (BPS), Cangen Cymru 2004-2008
Aelod o Gyngor Cynrychiolwyr BPS 2004-2008
Cadeirydd panel moeseg CSHS HCP 2010-presennol
Pwyllgor Ymchwil a Menter CSHS 2008-presennol
Is-bwyllgor Graddau Ymchwil CSHS 2007-presennol
CSHS Athro 2010-presennol

Paneli a Phwyllgorau
Canolfan Trosedd a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol Cymru (WCCSJ). Aelod o'r pwyllgor rheoli ers 2011.
Pwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil Ysgol yr Gwyddorau Iechyd (SREC). Aelod o'r pwyllgor ers 2008.
Athro yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd. Aelod ers 2011.
Pwyllgor Graddau Ymchwil yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd. Aelod o'r pwyllgor ers 2008.
Pwyllgor Ymchwil a Menter yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd. Aelod o'r pwyllgor ers 2008.
Gweithgor Rheoli Diogelwch a Chynllunio Ysgol y Gwyddorau Iechyd. Aelod o'r grŵp ers 2012.
Cadeirydd panel moeseg HCP y Gwyddorau Iechyd ers 2006.

Arholwr Allanol (Cyfredol)
Prifysgol Dinas Birmingham, BSc Seicoleg, Seicoleg a Throseddeg, Seicoleg a Chymdeithaseg.
Prifysgol Caer, BSc Seicoleg.

Arholwr Allanol (Gorffennol)
Prifysgol Oxford Brookes, PhD.
Prifysgol Huddersfield, BSc Seicoleg a Throseddeg.

Ion 1992 - Gorffennaf 1994Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil. "Rheolaeth ysgogol ar brosesau cymhelliant." Adran Seicoleg Arbrofol, Prifysgol Caergrawnt.
Gorff 1996 - Gorff 1998Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol. "Rôl yr hipocampws mewn prosesu ysgogiad cymhleth." Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Gorff 1998 - Gorff 2000 Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol . "Astudiaeth ddilynol o wasanaethau seiciatryddol Fforensig De Cymru." Ysgol Meddygaeth Seicolegol, UWCM.
Gorff 1998 - Gorff 2001Cymrawd Ymchwil er Anrhydedd. Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Awst 2000-Awst 2001Cymrawd Ymchwil(Grant gan A Watt) Adran Feddygaeth Seicolegol, UWCM.
Yn bresennol - yn parhauDarllenydd Anrhydeddus, Gwasanaeth Iechyd Meddwl Fforensig De Cymru, Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Bro Morgannwg.

Graddiodd o Brifysgol Ulster, BSc Seicoleg ym 1988
PhD Prifysgol Caerdydd ym 1998. Traethawd estynedig "Prosesau cysylltiol mewn cywerthedd ysgogiad caffaeledig"