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Cyflwyniadau Diweddar
"The Perception of Injuries, and Medical Conditions Amongst Kayakers Paddling in the Sea Environment" Wilderness Medical Society 25th Annual Conference, USA 2008
"Information Gathering to inform Prevention Strategies" Canadian Search and Rescue Secretariat Annual International Conference 2008
Presenter and workshop facilitator UK Water Safety Conference, November 2009
Presenter and workshop facilitator Emergency Preparedness training, University of Nairobi, 2009
"Community Engagement in Emergency Preparedness". Public Health Emergency Preparedness workshop JKUAT,Kenya,2009
Presentation to the Permanent Secretary ministry of State for the Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands "Community Engagement for Development", 2009
Presentation at Wales Equity and Diversity in Health and Social Care ( WEDHS) conference "Partnerships for Health and Wellbeing ; Working with Communities", 2009
"Participants' Perception of the Causation of Health Impacts in an Outdoor Recreation Activity: A Kayaking Case Study", Wilderness Medical Society Annual Conference, USA 2010
"Risk Communication in a Crisis", Maritime Transport of Hazardous and Noxious Substances Atlantic Regions Costal Pollution Response Conference, Cardiff, 2011
Presentation to the RNLI Research and Coastal Safety Teams " Risk Perception and Safety Practices: the Implications for Safety Initiatives and Incident Prevention, 2013
Session Chairperson, Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response Conference " Creating a Tool Kit for Effective Maritime Incident Response. Communication, Resources and Planning. Cardiff, 2013.