Dr Amie-Louise Prior

Swydd: Uwch Ddarlithydd a Chyfarwyddwr Rhaglen (BSc Seicoleg)
Ysgol: Ysgol Gwyddorau Chwaraeon ac Iechyd Caerdydd

E-bost: aprior@cardiffmet.ac.uk​
Ffôn: +44 (0)29 2020 5975
Rhif Ystafell: D3.15




​ Addysgu a Goruchwyliaeth

  • Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Rhyngbroffesiynol 1 (Arweinydd Llwybr)
  • Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Rhyngbroffesiynol 2 (Arweinydd Llwybr)
  • Materion Cyfoes
  • Goruchwyliaeth Lleoliad
  • BSc Seicoleg - Goruchwylio Prosiect Blwyddyn Olaf
  • MSc Seicoleg Iechyd - Goruchwylio Traethawd Hir


Goruchwyliaeth Gradd Ymchwil

  • Ar waith: Aisling Pigott, Troi'r T1DE (TT1DE) mewn Gofal Diabetes Pediatrig: Datblygu ymyriad i atal ymddygiadau bwyta anhrefnus mewn gofal diabetes pediatrig.
  • Wedi'i gwblhau: Jen Ward, ymyriad Seicoleg Bositif mewn lleoliad fferylliaeth gymunedol (wedi’i ariannu gan KESS2)​


  • James, D. H., Rapado, R., Brown, S. L., Kember, J., Hodson, K. L., & Prior, A.-L. (2023). Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Public Perceptions of the Role of Community Pharmacy in Public Health (PubPharmQ). Pharmacy, 11(5), 141. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy11050141

  • Ward, J. L., Sparkes, A., Ricketts, M., Hewlett, P., Prior, A. L., Hallingberg, B., & James, D. H. (2023). Development of a Positive Psychology Well-Being Intervention in a Community Pharmacy Setting. Pharmacy, 11(1), 14.

  • Prior, A. L., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T., Clayton, D., Thirlaway, K., & Limbert, C. (2018). Telephone helplines as a source of support for eating disorders: Service user, carer, and health professional perspectives. Eating disorders, 26(2), 164-184.

  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T. (2015) Evaluation of support for Eating Disorders (EDs): How well used are telephone helplines and why? Conference for the European Health Psychology Society.​
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C. (2013) Adolescents’ Perceptions and Experiences of Family Meals. Journal of Child Health Care, 17 (4) 354-365.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T. (2013) Service User Views and Usage of Telephone Helplines and Related Services. 11th International London Eating Disorders Conference.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T. (2012) Support for People with Eating Disorders: Telephone Helpline Services. Eating Disorders Conference Alpbach 2012.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C. (2012) An Investigation into Telephone Helplines for People with Anorexia Nervosa. Cardiff Metropolitan University Research Review.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D. (2012) Telephone Helplines for People with Anorexia Nervosa. Cardiff Metropolitan University Seminar.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D. (2012) Telephone helplines for people with Anorexia Nervosa: Service User Perspective (1st Prize) Cardiff Metropolitan University 4th Annual Academic Associate Poster Symposium.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T. (2011) An Investigation into Telephone Helplines for People with Anorexia Nervosa. 25th Annual Conference for the European Health Psychology Society.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Smith, A. (2011) Predictive Factors of Family Meal Frequency in Adolescents. 25th Annual Conference for the European Health Psychology Society.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D. (2011) A Telephone Helpline for People with Anorexia Nervosa: The Service Users' Perspective. 26th Annual PsyPAG Conference. (Oral Presentation)
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D. (2011) Anorexia Nervosa: How can Helplines Help? (1st Prize) University of Wales: Research Students Conference.
  • Prior, A-L., Limbert, C., Thirlaway, K., Clayton, D., Woodward, D., Hoefkens, T. (2011) Telephone helplines for people with Anorexia Nervosa. UWIC 4th Annual Academic Associate Poster Symposium.


Amie yw Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen y rhaglen BSc (Anrh) Seicoleg Mae hi hefyd yn Seicolegydd Siartredig, Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch ac yn gymedrolwr ar gyfer rhaglen fasnachfraint BSc Seicoleg yng Ngholeg Undod y Ddinas (Athens).