Professor Robert Pepperell PhD

t: 02920 416666
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ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4728-4122

Meysydd Pwnc Arbenigol 

Canfyddiad Gweledol
Celf Gain



BA Celf Gain 


Mae Robert Pepperell PhD yn Athro yn Ysgol Gelf Caerdydd ac yn arweinydd y Fovolab amlddisgyblaethol ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd. Mae'n ymchwilio i natur y meddwl ymwybodol a'r canfyddiad gweledol trwy baentio a darlunio, arbrofi gwyddonol, ac ymholi athronyddol.

 Mae grŵp ymchwil Fovolab yn ceisio mesur a dal y profiad o edrych ar wrthrychau yn y byd gan ddefnyddio ffurf newydd o 'bersbectif naturiol' yn seiliedig ar strwythur gweledigaeth ddynol. Nid cofnodi'r hyn sydd yn y byd yw'r nod, ond y profiad o weld y byd o safbwynt corfforedig. Mae'r gwaith hwn wedi arwain at ddatblygu ffurf newydd o geometreg 3D ar gyfer graffeg gyfrifiadurol sy'n gwella darlunio gofod gweledol (

 Fel arlunydd mae wedi arddangos yn Ars Electronica, Oriel Barbican, Oriel Celf Fodern Glasgow, yr ICA, a Chromen y Mileniwm. Fel academydd mae wedi cyhoeddi sawl llyfr, gan gynnwys The Posthuman Condition (1995 a 2003) a The Postdigital Membrane (gyda Michael Punt, 2000), yn ogystal ag erthyglau, adolygiadau, a phapurau ym meysydd hanes celf, athroniaeth meddwl, deallusrwydd artiffisial, niwrowyddoniaeth, a seicoleg ganfyddiadol.

Swyddi cyfredol:

Golygydd Gweithredol y cyfnodolyn Art & Perception 
Cymrawd Cymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau 
Aelod o'r Academi Addysg Uwch 
Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Astudio Gwyddonol o Gydwybod 
Aelod o Gymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain 
Aelod o Gymdeithas Ryngwladol y Celfyddydau, Gwyddorau, a Thechnoleg 
Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Hawliau Perfformio 
Aelod o Gymdeithas Ryngwladol Estheteg Arbrofol 
2005-2009 Aelod panel cynghori Amgueddfa Celf Cinetig, Electronig ac Arbrofol Kinetica, Llundain 
2000-2008 Golygydd Cyswllt a rheolwr gwe Leonardo Adolygiadau, Cymdeithas Ryngwladol y Celfyddydau, Gwyddorau a Thechnoleg 
Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid ar gyfer Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau

Ymchwil gyfredol 

Mae fy ymchwil gyfredol yn cyfuno dulliau o gelf a gwyddoniaeth i ymchwilio i natur profiad gweledol a sut y gellir ei gynrychioli. Rwy'n gweithio gyda thîm o gyd-ymchwilwyr, gan gynnwys Alistair Burleigh a Nicole Ruta, i ddatblygu ffurf newydd o bersbectif darluniadol yn seiliedig ar ffenomenoleg canfyddiad gweledol. Am gannoedd o flynyddoedd mae ein diwylliant wedi dibynnu ar egwyddorion persbectif llinol i gynrychioli'r byd gweledol, ac mae hyn wedi bod yn sail i'n dull cyffredinol o wneud delweddau a thechnoleg delwedd. Fodd bynnag, fel yr ydym wedi dangos trwy ein hymchwil, mae persbectif llinol yn methu â chipio agweddau allweddol ar brofiad gweledol. Mae dulliau amgen o ddarlunio gofod gweledol, ac mae llawer ohonynt wedi'u datblygu gan artistiaid, yn fwy cywir. Nod ein hymchwil yw cyfoethogi ein dealltwriaeth o sut rydym yn dirnad y byd trwy gyfuno gwybodaeth o wyddoniaeth a'r celfyddydau. Rydym yn datblygu gwahanol fathau o gyfryngau newydd sy'n manteisio ar y wybodaeth hon, gan weithio i greu math o 'weledigaeth synthetig' gyda chymwysiadau ym maes hysbysebu, hapchwarae, cyfathrebu, sinematograffi a meddygaeth. 

Principal Publications, Exhibitions and Awards

View Professor Pepperell’s papers and publications on Cardiff Metropolitan University’s DSpace repository.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4728-4122


Pepperell, R. (in press). Being Alive to the World: An Artist’s Perspective on Predictive Processing, in Philosophical Transactions B of the Royal Society, themed issue on Art and Predictive Processing.

Ruta, N., Vañó, J., Pepperell, R., Corradi, G., Chuquichambi, E., Rey, R., Munar, R. (in press) Preference for paintings is also affected by curvature (in press). Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 

Wang, X., Bylinskii, Z., Hertzmann, A. & Pepperell (2020). Toward Quantifying Ambiguities in Artistic Images.  
ACM Transactions in Applied Perception, Special issue for ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP) papers.  

Pepperell, R., Burleigh, A. & Ruta, N. (2021). Art and the Geometry of Visual Space, in Space-time Geometries in the Brain and Movement in theArts, in the series "Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis" eds. T. Flash, A. Berthoz & A. Sarti, Berlin: Springer. 

Pepperell, R., Burleigh, A. & Ruta, N. (yn y wasg). Celf a Geometreg Gofod Gweledol, mewn Geometregau Gofod-Amser yn yr Ymennydd a Symud yn y Celfyddydau, mewn cyfresi "Nodiadau Darlith ym Morphogenesis" gol. T. Flash, A. Berthoz & A. Sarti, Berlin: Springer.

Chamberlain, R. & Pepperell R. (yn y wasg). Araf Edrych ar Gelf Araf: Gwaith Pierre Bonnard, Leonardo.

Pepperell, R. (2019). Problemau a Pharadocsau Paentio a Chanfyddiad. Celf a Chanfyddiad, Cyf. 7 (2-3).

Pepperell, R., Burleigh, A. & Ruta, N. (2019). Gweledigaeth egocentric mewn gêm 3D gan ddefnyddio persbectif llinol a rendro naturiol. Trafodion Cynhadledd Gweledigaeth Peiriant Prydain.

Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). Dull ar gyfer Cynhyrchu a Newid Delweddau o Olygfa 3D. Cais Rhyngwladol O dan y Cytundeb Cydweithrediad Patent, WP2019 / 048825.

Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). Dull o Addasu Delwedd ar Ddyfais Gyfrifiadol. Cais Rhyngwladol O dan y Cytundeb Cydweithrediad Patent, WP2019 / 048820.

Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). Cadw Maint a Siâp Gwrthrych. Cais Rhyngwladol O dan y Cytundeb Cydweithrediad Patent, WO2019 / 048831.

Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). Dull ar gyfer Addasu Delweddau Camera. Cais Rhyngwladol O dan y Cytundeb Cydweithrediad Patent, WO2019 / 048819.

Ruta, N., Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). Mae pobl yn Gwell am Amcangyfrif Pellteroedd o Safbwynt Naturiol na Safbwynt Llinol. Cynhadledd Gwyddoniaeth Weledol Celf, Celf a Chanfyddiad, Cyf. 7 (4).

Ruta, N., Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2019). A yw Gofod Gweledol yn Cyfateb i Ofod Dychmygol? Cynhadledd Ewropeaidd ar Ganfyddiad Gweledol, Canfyddiad, Cyf. 48 (2S) 1–236.

Pepperell, R. (2018). Consciousness as a physical process caused by the organization of energy in the brain,Frontiers in Psychology,9, 2091.

 Koenderink, J., van Doorn, A. and Pepperell, R. (2018). View From Outside the Viewing Sphere. i-Perception, Vol. 9(3).

Burleigh, A., Pepperell, R. and Ruta, N. (2018). Natural Perspective: Mapping visual space through art and science. Vision2(2), 21

Pepperell, R. (2018). 'Art, energy and the brain'. In Christensen, J. & Gomila, A. (eds.) The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology beyond Pleasure, Progress in Brain Research. Volume 237. London: Elsevier. 

 Burleigh, A., Pepperell, R. and Ruta, N. (2018) 'Fovography: A naturalistic imaging media', In 3D Immersion (IC3D), 2017 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D). Brussels, 11-12 December IEEE 

Smith, C., Burleigh, A., Lambert, N., Pepperell, R., Langford, T. and Veltman, K. (2017). Natural Media Workshop, Electronic Visualisation and the Arts,

Pepperell, R. (2017). Imaging Human Vision: An Artistic Perspective, in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2017, edited by Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Huib de Ridder, Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging.

Ruta, N., Burleigh, A., Vigars, R., Barratt, E. & Pepperell, R. (2016). Evaluating an artistic method for depicting human visual space, Applied Vision Association meeting, London, 19th December 2016.

Ruta, N., Burleigh, A. & Pepperell, R. (2016). Smaller hands, bigger head: a perceptual trend in artistic portraits, Experimental Psychology Society meeting, London, 4th - 6th January 2017.

Pepperell, R. (2016). Sargy Mann, Euan Uglow and subjective realism: the revolutionary achievement of modern British painting, The Collection, Lincoln/Cadogan Contemporary, London.

Pepperell, R. (2016). Where do we see? Perception, Vol. 44(51), p. 73.

Pepperell, R. (2016). Always Learning to See: The Art and Thought of Sargy Mann, Art & Perception, Volume 4, Issue 4, DOI: 10.1163/22134913-00002056.

Baldwin, J., Burleigh, A., Pepperell, R. & Ruta, N. (2016). The Perceived Size and Shape of Objects in Peripheral Vision, i-Perception, July-August 2016 vol. 7 no. 4, DOI: 10.1177/2041669516661900.

Koenderink, J., van Doorn, A., Pinna, B. & Pepperell, R. (2016). Facing the Spectator, i-Perception, November-December 2016, pp. 1–29, DOI: 10.1177/2041669516675181

Zhu, Z., Martin, R. R., Pepperell, R. & Burleigh, A. (2016). 3D Modeling and Motion Parallax for Improved Videoconferencing. Computational Visual Media, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 131-142. DOI: 10.1007/s41095-016-0038-4

Pepperell, R. (2016). Neuroscience and Posthuman Memory, in Memory in the Twenty-first Century: New Critical Perspectives from the Arts, Humanitiesand Sciences, Sebastian Groes (ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 330-33.

Koenderink, J., van Doorn, A., Pinna, B. & Pepperell, R. (2016). Armchair perspective preferences, Art & Perception, 4(1-2), pp. 39-56. DOI: 10.1163/22134913-00002044.

Koenderink, J., van Doorn, A., Pinna, B., & Pepperell, R. (2016). On right and wrong drawings, Art & Perception, 4(1-2), pp. 1-38. DOI: 10.1163/22134913-00002043.

Vano-Vinuales, J., Pepperell, R., Corradi, G. & Munar, E. (2015). Visual Preference for Curvature and Art Paintings: Some Data, Perception, Volume 44, p. 30.
Pepperell, R. (2015). Artworks as Dichotomous Objects: Implications for the scientific study of aesthetic experience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
Pepperell, R. and Hughes, L. (2015). As Seen: Modern British Painting and Visual Experience. Tate Papers, Spring 2015.
Pepperell, R. & Ishai, A. (2015). ‘Indeterminate Artworks and the Human Brain’, Art, Aesthetics and the Brain, eds. M. Nadal, J. Houston, L. Agnati, F. Mora and C. J. Cela Conde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-153.
Pepperell, R. (2015). Egocentric perspective: Depicting the body from its own point of view, Leonardo 48(5), pp. 424-429.

Pepperell, R. and Burleigh, A. (2014). Improvements in and relating to image making. International Patent Treaty Cooperation, WO2014122477 A1.

Baldwin, J, Burleigh, A. and Pepperell, R. (2014). Comparing artistic and geometrical perspective depictions of space in the visual field. i-Perception. Vol. 5, pp. 536-547.

Pepperell, R and Haertel, M. (2014). Do artists use linear perspective to depict visual space? in Perception, 43(5), pp. 395-416

Green, J. and Pepperell, R. (2013). How can visual experience be depicted? A study of close-up double vision, in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education.

Pepperell, R. and Ruschkowski, A. (2013). ‘Double Vision as a Pictorial Depth Cue’, in Art & Perception 1:1.

Manzotti, R. and Pepperell, R. (2013). ‘Denying the content-vehicle distinction: a response to ‘The New Mind Revisited’, in AI & Society, 28:4.

Leonardo, 46:5.

Pepperell, R. (2012) ‘Art and Externalism’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 19, No. 11, Pp. 107-127.

Pepperell, R. (2012) ‘The Perception of Art and the Science of Perception’, in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVII, edited by Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Huib de Ridder, Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 8291, 829113.

Manzotti, R. and Pepperell, R. (2012) ‘The New Mind: Thinking beyond the head’, AI & Society.

Pepperell, R. (2012) ‘Indeterminacy and Realism in Cinema and Art’ in Realism After the European Avant-Garde, ed. Ohlschlager, C.,
Perrone Capano and Borso, V., Verlag Transcript: Biel


Pepperell, R. (2011) ‘Connecting Art and the Brain’, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Pepperell, R. (in press) ‘Art and the Extended Mind’ in Aesthetics Beyond the Skin, Exeter: Imprint Academic.

Pepperell, R. (2010) ‘Art Connections to Literature and Science’, in The Routledge Companion to Art, Literature and Science. London: Routledge.

Consciousness Literature and the Arts, Vol. 10 No. 2.

Pepperell, R. (2009). ‘An Information Sublime’, editorial in Leonardo, Vol. 42 No. 5.

Pepperell, R. (2009). ‘Art and the fractured unity of consciousness’ in New Realities: Being Syncretic Consciousness Reframed: The Planetary Collegium’s IXth International Research Conference Series: Edition Angewandte. Ascott, R.; Bast, G.; Fiel, W.; Jahrmann, M.; Schnell, R. (eds.). New York, Vienna: Springer.

Wallraven, C., Kaulard, K., Kürner, C. and Pepperell, R. (2008). In the Eye of the Beholder: The Perception of Indeterminate Art. Leonardo Vol. 41, No. 2.

Wallraven, C., Kaulard, K., Kürner, C., Pepperell, R and Bülthoff, H. (2007). Psychophysics for perception of (in)determinate art. In APGV 2007. New York, NY: ACM Press, pp. 115–122.

Pepperell, R. (2007). Art, Perception and Indeterminacy. Journal of Contemporary Aesthetics, Volume 5.

Pepperell, R. (2007). Manifesto del Posthumano. Dopo l’umano, Kainos 2. Milano: Ediziono Punto Rosso.

Ishai, A., Fairhall, S. & Pepperell, R. (2007) Perception, memory and aesthetics of indeterminate art. Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 73, Issues 4-6, pp. 319-324.

Pepperell, R. (2007). Posthumanismi manifest. Vihik: Journal of the Estonian Literary Society. No. 12: 14-24. Tartu: Eesti Kirjanduse Selts.

Pepperell, R. (2007). Putting Art to the Test. Dialogue, Issue 2. Axis Publications.

Pepperell, R. (2007). Applications for Conscious Systems. AI & Society. Volume 21:3.

Pepperell, R. (2006). Seeing Without Objects: Visual Indeterminacy and Art. Leonardo. Vol. 39:5.

Pepperell, R and Punt, M., (eds) (2006). Screen Consciousness: Mind, World and Cinema. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

(2014) ‘Do artists use linear perspective to depict visual space?’ Visual Science of Art Conference, Belgrade.
(2014) ‘Art and Perception as Deception’ Natural History Museum, Oxford.
(2013) ‘Art and visual perception’ European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen.
(2012) ‘Depicting the Visual Field in Science and Art’, European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy.
(2012) ‘Depicting Visual Perception in Science and Art’, First Visual Science of Art Conference, Alghero, Italy.
(2012) ‘The art of perception and the perception of art’ International Symposium of Art and Perception, Institute for Advanced Studies, Paris.
(2012) ‘Rethinking Posthumanism’, Rethinking Humanism, University of St. Andrews.
(2012) The Perception of Art and the science of perception, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVII, SPIE, San Francisco.
(2011) Art, Neuroscience and Ontology, Psycho-Ontology Conference, Jerusalem.
(2011) Art and Externalism, Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm
(2011) A Vision-Space Model of Perception, (with John Jupe), Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm
(2011) Kinetica Art Fair, London
(2010) First International Symposium on Illustration, Cardiff
(2010) COGS Research Seminar, University of Sussex.
(2010) Realism and the Avant-Garde, University of Paderborn, Germany.
(2010) Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Annual Conference, University of Oxford,
(2010) The Emergence of the Posthuman Subject, University of Surrey
(2010) Zoototechnics, University of Cardiff
(2010). Art, perception and indeterminacy. Towards a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, University of Arizona.
(2009) Art, indeterminacy and non-duality. Science and Non-Duality Conference. San Francisco, USA.
(2009) Ishai A., Wiesmann M., and Pepperell R. Training Facilitates Object Perception in Cubist Paintings. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco.
(2009) Ishai A., Wiesmann M., and Pepperell R. Training Facilitates Object Perception in Cubist Paintings. 15th Annual meeting for the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco.
(2008) Ishai A., Wiesmann M., and Pepperell R. Training Facilitates Object Perception in Cubist Paintings. 17th Annual Meeting of The Israel Society for Neuroscience, Eilat.
(2008).Art and the Fractured Unity of Consciousness. Consciousness Reframed 2008, Vienna.
(2007). Posthumanism and the challenge of new ideas. Catalogue text for Hylozoic Soil exhibition by Phillip Beesley, e-art: New Technologies and Contemporary Art, Montreal Museum of Fine Art, 2007.
(2007). From the Human to the Posthuman. Conference of the Science, Technology & Culture Research Group, University of Nottingham.
(2007). Reflections on Looking at a Painting. 11th Annual Conference of the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Oxford.
(2007). Conscious Awareness of Objects in Indeterminate Art Fairhall, S., Pepperell, R. & Ishai, A. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness Annual Conference 11, Las Vegas.
(2007). Psychophysics for Perception of (In)determinate Art. Wallraven, C., Kaulard, K., Kürner, C., Pepperell, R and Bülthoff, H.. Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualisation Symposium, Max Planck Institute.
(2007). In the Eye of the Beholder—Perception of Indeterminate Art. Wallraven, C., Kaulard, K., Kürner, C., Pepperell, R and Bülthoff, H. International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging. Canada.
(2007). The Future of Art. Kinetica Museum, London.
(2007). The Conscious Act of Looking at a Painting. Art and Science Week, University of Exeter.
(2007). Art and Perception. School of Psychology, Cardiff University.
(2006). Mind-Machine-Art. Inaugural lecture, Kinetica Museum, London.
(2006). Object indeterminacy in art compositions, with Ishia, A. and Fairhall, S. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
(2006). An Interdisciplinary Study of Visual Indeterminacy in Painting, with Ishia, A. and Fairhall, S. European Conference on Visual Perception, St Petersburg, Russia.
(2006). An Interdisciplinary Study of Visual Indeterminacy, with Ishia, A. and Fairhall, S. The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 10th International Conference, University of Oxford.
(2006). The Future of Humanity. Chair of Royal Society of Arts Lecture, London.
(2006). Seeing and Knowing. Department of Neuroradiology. University of Zurich.
(2006). Visual Indeterminacy and Art. Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany.
(2006). Art and Perception. Science in the Dock – Art in the Stocks, National Science Week, Exeter University.


Gwobr Academia ar gyfer Busnes (Llywodraeth Cymru / UE), 2014 
Grant Ymchwil Paul Mellon (gyda Dr Louise Hughes), 2014 
Gwobr Cronfa Buddsoddi Ymchwil a Menter, 2013 
Gwobr Cronfa Buddsoddi Ymchwil a Menter , 2012 
Gwobr Academia ar gyfer Busnes (Llywodraeth Cymru / UE), 2012 
SIP gyda Latcham Direct Ltd, Bryste, 2011 
Gwrthdroi SIP gyda Chaos Trend Ltd., Abertawe, 2011 
Gwobr Menter ac Ymchwil, 2011 
Gwobr Academyddion am Fusnes, 2010 
Ysgoloriaeth PhD KESS, 2011-14 
Mynediad i Ysgoloriaeth Meistr, 2010-11 

Prosiectau Menter a / neu Gysylltiadau Diwydiannol 

Fovography: Datblygu math newydd o gyfryngau delwedd yn seiliedig ar ffenomenoleg canfyddiad gweledol. Ariennir ar hyn o bryd gan ddyfarniad 3 blynedd gan Brifysgol

Metropolitan Caerdydd  - Modiwlau a Addysgir

Rhaglen PhD (10 myfyriwr) 
Meistr Celf Gain (MA ac MFA) 
BA Celf Gain

Goruchwylio Ymchwil Doethurol (teitlau neu feysydd ymchwilio eang)
Alise Piebalga: Hybrid Art and Posthumanism
Chris de Selincourt: Where is the mind of the cinema editor?
Craig Thomas: Pre-reflective art
Joe Baldwin: New methods of depicting visual perception
Theo Humphries: Humour and design
Paul March: The shock of the unclear