Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd>Staff>Dr John Richard Littlewood

Yr Athro John R Littlewood, BSc (Anrh) PhD, FHEA, C Build E, FCABE, FRSA, MIET, Cyswllt CIAT a Chyswllt IFE


Yr Athro John Littlewoode: jlittlewood@cardiffmet.ac.uk​

t: 02920 416676

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0351-9954

Meysydd Pwnc Arbenigol 

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Bensaernïol; Gwerthuso Perfformiad Adeiladu ar gyfer Lleihau Carbon; Diagnosteg Adeiladu, Peirianneg ac Arolygu; Adeiladu Perfformiad Tân – y Bwlch Diogelwch; Cynhyrchu Bioamrywiaeth a Bwyd Organig ar gyfer Storio Carbon; Peirianneg Gwasanaethau Adeiladu; Dyluniad amgylcheddol, adeiladu a gweithredu adeiladau; Tai; Adeiladau Cynaliadwy a Gwydn; Ynni a Dŵr Cynaliadwy.​


2003-2005Sefydliad Addysgu a Dysgu mewn Addysg Uwch
2005Yr Academi Uwch
2011Thermograffeg Lefel 1 - ISO18436 PCN - Flir Systems Ltd:Achrededig
2014Thermograffeg Lefel 1 - ISO18436 PCN, Sefydliad Profion Annistrywiol Prydain
2014Profion Tightness Awyr Domestig Achrededig - BINDTAchrededig
Cymdeithas Siartredig y Peirianwyr AdeiladuCilydd
Cymdeithas Siartredig y Peirianwyr Adeiladu​Peiriannydd Adeiladu Siartedig
Sefydliad Peirianneg a Thechnoleg
Sefydliad y Peirianwyr TânAelod Cyswllt
Sefydliad Siartredig Technolegwyr PensaernïolAelod Cyswllt
Y Gymdeithas Frenhinol ar gyfer y Celfyddydau, Gwneuthurwr a Masnach (RSA)​Cymrawd


Rwy'n Athro mewn Adeiladau Cynaliadwy a Gwydn, yn Arweinydd grŵp ymchwil Amgylchedd Bult Cynaliadwy a Gwydn YGDC, sy'n rhan o Academi Fyd-eang Dylunio sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Bobl. Rwy'n Gydlynydd Doethuriaeth Proffesiynol YGDC ar gyfer y llwybrau Celf a Dylunio, DEng a DSBE. Rwy'n Ddirprwy Gadeirydd dros dro ar gyfer Pwyllgor Gradd Ymchwil YGDC, ac yn aelod o Bwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil YGDC, a'r Pwyllgor Ymchwil ac Arloesi. Hefyd, rwy'n aelod o Grŵp Gradd Ymchwil (RDG) y brifysgol a'r Pwyllgor Asesu RDG ac Adolygu Ymarfer Annheg.

Rwy'n weithredwr Peirianneg amlddisgyblaethol sy'n ymgymryd â phrosiectau rheoli newid, ymchwil ac arloesi mewn Pensaernïaeth, yr Amgylchedd Adeiledig a Pheirianneg. Rwy'n Beiriannydd Adeiladu Siartredig ac mae gennyf PhD mewn Asesiad Perfformiad Adeiladu o Anheddau Ynni Gweithredol Prin Sero, a gynhaliwyd mewn cydweithrediad â Chymdeithas Tai Gwalia (Pobl) ac a gydariennir gan y Gymdeithas Adeiladu Ecoleg. Yn wir, ymdrechais i weithio gyda diwydiant, rhanddeiliaid a chymdeithas cyn gynted ag y dechreuais fy PhD, i ddatrys problemau technegol (yn aml cyn bod diwydiant a phartneriaid yn ymwybodol ohonynt) ac o'r herwydd wedi cael eu hariannu'n rhannol gan asiantaethau diwydiant/llywodraeth ers 1997.

Sefydlais ac rwyf wedi arwain y grŵp ymchwil cyntaf sy'n ymroddedig i Bensaernïaeth, yr Amgylchedd Adeiledig a Pheirianneg ym Met Caerdydd ers 2009, a enwodd y grŵp Ymchwil Amgylchedd Adeiledig Cynaliadwy a Gwydn, gydag aelodaeth o bedair o'r pum ysgol.

Mae fy arbenigedd rheoli newid, arloesi ac ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio'n allanol ers canol y 1990au, gan arwain 50 o geisiadau grant llwyddiannus allanol, i sicrhau effaith ar amrywiaeth o asiantaethau'r llywodraeth, sefydliadau tai, ymgynghorwyr, contractwyr adeiladu a gweithgynhyrchwyr materol yng ngogledd America, y dwyrain canol a'r DU. Yn benodol, rwyf wedi datblygu sawl ymyriad i asesu'n ansoddol ac yn feintiol ac i wneud y gorau o berfformiad anheddau newydd neu bresennol yn ystod dylunio, cynhyrchu, addasu ac ôl-ffitio, adeiladu, comisiynu a gweithredu i wneud y mwyaf o gysur defnyddwyr, ansawdd aer dan do ac ansawdd bywyd a lleihau allyriadau carbon corfforedig a gweithredol.

Rwyf wedi cynghori sefydliadau wrth ddylunio, profi, cynhyrchu a gosod deunyddiau arloesol a naturiol i ddarparu adeiladau cynaliadwy a gwydn.

Ar gyfer YGDC, rwy'n arwain ar dri llwybr Doethuriaeth Proffesiynol mewn Ymarfer Celf a Dylunio: Ymchwil YGDC DProff (cardiffmet.ac.uk), Peirianneg: Ymchwil YGDC DPeir (cardiffmet.ac.uk), a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig Cynaliadwy: Ymchwil YGDC DSBE (cardiffmet.ac.uk).

Ers 2010 rwyf wedi ymgymryd â nifer o rolau ar gyfer KES International, gan gynnwys cynhadledd Ryngwladol Cynaliadwyedd mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau (SEB), gan sefydlu Llwybr Cyffredinol G01 mewn Adeiladau Cynaliadwy a Gwydn. Rwyf wedi bod yn Gadeirydd Cyffredinol yr SEB yn 2014, ac o 2017 hyd yn hyn. Yn 2020 cefais y Wobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol i KES am "weithredu fel Hyrwyddwr KES ar gyfer Adeiladu Cynaliadwy, gan ddarparu cefnogaeth ar gyfer Cyfres Cynhadledd Cynaliadwyedd mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau am ddegawd gan gynnwys cadeirio'r gynhadledd sawl gwaith, rhoi araith gyweirnod, cadeirio Traciau a Sesiynau Gwahoddiad. Hefyd, Cyd-olygydd dros dro Cyfres Llyfr KES Springer, ac un o gyd-olygyddion sefydlu cyfres lyfrau Springer 'Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology'".

Rwy'n hapus ac yn awyddus i gydweithio'n lleol, yn rhanbarthol, yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol ac ar draws diwylliannau.

Ymchwil ac Arloesi

Rwyf wedi cynhyrchu tua £3.4 miliwn o gyllid allanol mawreddog gan grantiau ymgynghori, ymchwil ac arloesi mewn cydweithrediad ag ystod o bartneriaid ac wedi arwain 50 o geisiadau grant cyllid llwyddiannus i gyrff cyllido amrywiol gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, InnovateUK, yr EPSRC a Chronfeydd Strwythurol yr UE.​​​

Prosiectau Cyfredol 

Yn 2023, rwy'n arwain tri phrosiect ymchwil ac arloesi ar gyfer Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd mewn cydweithrediad â Chymdeithas Tai Cynon Taf a Down to Zero (A), Sevenoaks Modular (B) a Chymdeithas Tai Tarian (C).

Mae Prosiect A yn brosiect Ôl-ffitio Optimeiddiedig dwy flynedd a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyda gwerth £100,000, gyda Chymdeithas Tai Tarian fel y Prif Ymchwilydd ac mewn cydweithrediad â Sevenoaks Modular o'r enw 'Timber Advanced Innovation for a Sustainable Offsite' (TAISO). Dechreuodd TAISO ym mis Mehefin 2022 ac mae'n datblygu proses mesur ac arolygu 3D gywir o anheddau presennol, sydd i'w hôl-osod, gan ddefnyddio sganio laser 3D ar gyfer creu modelau asedau digidol. Mae'r modelau asedau digidol yn llywio datblygiad datrysiadau paneli ffrâm bren i'w hôl-ffitio i nifer o anheddau presennol Cymdeithas Tai Tarian, er mwyn lleihau eu defnydd gweithredol o ynni a'u hallyriadau carbon a sicrhau'r cysur mwyaf posibl.

Mae Prosiect B yn brosiect Partneriaeth SMART 12 mis gyda gwerth £85,330.30 wedi'i gyd-ariannu gan Grŵp Tai Cymunedol Cynon Taf a Llywodraeth Cymru ac mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd. Dechreuodd y prosiect ym mis Hydref 2022 o'r enw 'Cymdeithas Tai Cynon Taf Carbon Lleihau Carbon a Strategaeth Storio Carbon ar y Tir'. Mae'r prosiect yn meincnodi allyriadau carbon sefydliadol i gefnogi Taf's Taf Cynon ac yn ymchwilio i gyfleoedd ar gyfer dal carbon ar y tir a storio carbon trwy gynhyrchu bwyd a biocar.

Mae Prosiect C yn brosiect dichonoldeb chwe mis gwerth £100,000, a ariennir ar y cyd gan Innovate UK ar gyfer y Cyngor Ymchwil Biotechnoleg a Gwyddorau Biolegol a Chyngor Ymchwil Peirianneg a Gwyddorau Ffisegol, sy'n cael ei arwain gan/cyd-ariannu gan Sevenoaks Modular ac mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd. Dechreuodd y prosiect yn haf 2023 o'r enw 'Defnyddio Mycelium ar gyfer Tai Cynaliadwy' (MUSH). Bydd y prosiect yn cynorthwyo Sevenoaks Modular i ehangu ymhellach eu defnydd o ddeunyddiau naturiol ar gyfer inswleiddio panel caeedig ffrâm bren a dulliau adeiladu modern modiwlaidd (MMC) y maent yn eu cynhyrchu. Nod y prosiect yw defnyddio ffrydiau gwastraff yn lleol a darparu defnydd eilaidd ar gyfer cnydau amaethyddol a stociau bwyd anifeiliaid, lleihau'r carbon corfforedig a chynyddu cylchrediad systemau MMC.

Prosiectau mewn bod

2019-2022: I ymgorffori System Rheoli Arloesedd Hale (HiMS), gyda Dolen Adborth ac Optimeiddio Holistig (HFOL) ar gyfer gwerthuso / lleihau costau tryloyw, a gwella perfformiad cynnyrch (edauaur). Cafodd y KTP 36 mis hwn gwerth £239,257, ei ddyfarnu’n Rhagorolgan InnovateUK yn 2022 ac mae wedi arwain at effaith gadarnhaol sylweddol ar y cwmnïau. Cyd-ariannwyd y KTP gan J G Hale Constriction a Sevenoaks Modular, InnovateUK a Llywodraeth Cymru. Gweler yma am fwy o wybodaeth: https://youtu.be/-GSIaYBNf7I a https://doi.org/10.25401/cardiffmet.21954434.​

Goruwchwyliaeth Ddoethurol, Cadeirydd Viva Voce ac Archwilio


Francesco Zaccaro - Developing Systemized Offsite Manufactured Timber Typologies from Welsh Supply Chain: Enabling the Transition to Nearly Zero Carbon Homes (Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) 2 PhD, DoS) *.

Denis Jahic - Developing guidance for the management of Government funded dwelling retrofit programs, evaluating occupant quality of life (KESS2 PhD, DoS) *.

Tansy Duncan - The development, testing and validating of a technical design guide for nearly-zero operational carbon affordable housing for sale and rent (KESS2 PhD, Supervisor).

Phil Grant - Post Occupancy Evaluation of Delight in the Design of Schools (Professional Doctorate in Sustainable Built Environment (DSBE), Supervisor Training Coordinator (STC)).

Rahma Hagi Adan - Assessing the impact of enhanced energy performance standards on the thermal performance of masonry construction dwellings, in the United Arab Emirates Professional Doctorate in Engineering (DEng), DoS).

Joyce Harvey - Engaging with the change needed in vocational teaching during a pandemic (Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD), DoS).

Sian Rees - Absorptive Capacity in Welsh Universities: A Case Study (Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), Supervisor).

Adam Rutherford - Climate Change: the lens through which NATO must view the Future Security Environment (Professional Doctorate in Professional Practice, (DProf), Supervisor).

Uthayan Thurairajah - A Novel Approach to Controlling Outdoor Trespass Lighting Intruding into the Human Eye by Adopting Smart Science and Technology to Improve Residents Quality of Life in the Built Environment (PhD, DoS).

Adam West - Sustainability, systems and strategies – devising and implementing a strategy for environmental, economic and social sustainability in a systems-thinking Welsh housing association (DSBE, DoS).

Evan Owen-Powell - Using local and traditional building techniques to develop, implement and test a new Building Code protocol for the Caribbean, enabling resilience from the challenges of climate change reality (DSBE, DoS).

Kevin Renz - Organic Architecture Reconsidered: can Frank Lloyd Wright's organic architecture principles provide guidance within the current design process and deliver benefits for the environment (DSBE, Supervisor).

Jon Moorhouse - Delivering a change model for small architectural practices to focus on emerging work opportunities, specifically on strategies for wider existing housing stock retrofit in the UK and reflecting on field observations from prototype monitoring schemes (DSBE, Supervisor).

Lilian Martin - To what extent can an anti-racist framework, The Cynefin Award, support schools in Wales to engage in anti-racist practice (EdD, Independent Programme Advisor (IPA)).


Arvid Josefsen - Targeted Interoperability-the Future of Regional Deterrence in NATO (DProf, IPA).

Stephen Nelson – Title to be conformed (DProf, IPA).

*Ymgeisydd ymchwil doethurol sy'n gweithio ar gywiriadau ar ôl yr arholiad viva voce.


Wedi’u cwblhau:

2023: Dr Trevor Butler - Investigation of Thermal Energy Performance of Earth to Air Heat Exchange Systems in British Columbia, Canada (PhD, DA).

2022: Dr Joanna Clarke - Development and Testing of an Active Building Protocol and Toolkit to aid the Design of Low Energy Active Buildings (DSBE, DA).

2020: Dr Gavin Jenkins - An exploration of the impact a new quality system has on the experiences of students and academic staff at a Saudi Arabian Higher Education institute (DA, DA).

2019: Dr Amans Sulaiti - Evaluation of fire fighters health and well-being in Doha, Qatar (PhD, Goruchwyliwr).

2019: Dr Ali Al-Naimi - Using Qatari local ecological knowledge to assess and mitigate the impact of land reclamation on Doha coastal area (PhD, Goruchwyliwr).

2018: Dr Geraldine Seguela - Water conservation strategy mixed methods for achieving zero use of desalinated water for outdoor landscape hospitals in arid climates (DSaes, DA).

2017: Dr John Cosgrove - Development of a Conceptual Framework and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Energy Management in Manufacturing Companies in Ireland (DSaes, DA).

2017: Dr Simon Hatherley - An examination of development models for innovative, low carbon, ecological dwellings for rural areas of Wales (KESS1 PhD, DA) https://repository.cardiffmet.ac.uk/handle/10369/9191.

2016: Mr David L Hood – Optimising biomass energy systems of less than one Megawatt (MProfPrac Ymarferion Adeilladu Ecolegol DA).

2015: Dr. Jo Atkinson – Evaluating external wall insulation (KESS1 PhD, DoS) https://repository.cardiffmet.ac.uk/handle/10369/7515.

2014: Dr. Abdullah Hammoudi – A Study to benchmark and investigate strategies to reduce road traffic collisions and casualties in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (PhD, Goruchwyliwr).

2011: Dr Jim Carfrae – The Moisture Performance of Straw Bale Construction in a Temperate Maritime Climate (PhD University of Plymouth, Goruchwyliwr) http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/548.

2006: Dr Robin Cook – A study of allotments and small land plots benchmarking for: vegetable food crop production (PhD Prifysgol Morgannwg, Goruchwyliwr).


Cadeirydd Doethuriaeth Viva Voce

2023: Mr Henry Gruffudd Hill - Form Follows Formgiving: Attuning to the Entanglement of Everyday Things (PhD).

2023: Ms Loulwa Alrefai - Implementation of sculptural studies in the Kuwaiti high school art curriculum (PhD).

2022: Dr Kris Sobol - Investigating whether pre-PGCE Primary school experience contributes to more successful engagement and outcomes for student (EdD).

2022: Dr Solein Ahmad Ali Momani - Barriers Influence the Enhancement of the Quality of Graphic Design Education in Jordanian Universities From the Perspectives of Teachers, Students, and Industry Practitioners (PhD).

2021: Dr Ben Ewart-Dean - How Film-Making Can Support the Development of the Social Communication Skills of Autistic Children (PhD).

2020: Dr Nawaz Muhammad - A Framework for Successful Deployment of E-Learning in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Rural Areas of Pakistan (PhD).


Arholwr Doethuriaeth Viva Voce

2023: Dr Marco Cacuzza - Lean Construction 4.0: a new paradigm to support the adoption of Industrialized Building Systems and the digital transition of SMEs (PhD, Politecnico di Milano, Eidal).

2023: Dean Myers - Understanding Factors Influencing Overheating: The UK’s First Large-Scale Domestic Passivhaus Retrofit (DEng, Prifysgol Leeds Beckett).

2022: David Minns - Knowledge for the specification of internal wall insulation for existing solid masonry walls: a study of micro design practices in the UK (PhD, Prifysgol Bath).

2021: Dr Lindsay Cordery-Bruce - Cross-pollinating the evidence: A feasibility study into the therapeutic potential of beekeeping for adults with substance misuse issues (DProf, Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd).

2020: Ms Lindsay Cordery-Bruce - Cross-pollinating the evidence: A feasibility study into the therapeutic potential of beekeeping for adults with substance misuse issues (DProf, Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd).

2020: Dr Ana Cristina Villaca Coelho - Sustainability upgrades in small commercial and retail buildings in regional centres (PhD, Prifysgol Wollongong, Awstralia).

2020: Dr Moawiah Alnsour - Integrating sustainability assessment into public works development in Jordan (PhD, Prifysgol Leeds).

2020: Dr Hugo Geoffroy - Méthode pour la détection de défauts des systèmes énergétiques (PhD, Savoie Mont Blanc University, Ffrainc).

2019: Dr Amber Wismayer - The Sustainable Regeneration of Built Heritage in Malta: A study on occupant comfort and environmental performance (PhD, Prifysgol Bath).

2018: Mr Hugo Geoffroy - Méthode pour la détection de défauts des systèmes énergétiques (MPhil, Savoie Mont Blanc University, Ffrainc).

2018: Ms Ana Cristina Villaca Coelho - Sustainability upgrades in small commercial and retail buildings in regional centres (PhD, Prifysgol Wollongong, Awstralia).

2018: Mr Moawiah Alnsour - Integrating sustainability assessment into public works development in Jordan (PhD, Prifysgol Leeds).

2015: Dr Lea Read - Soap Based Thermal Insulation as a Sustainable Alternative to Petroleum Based Thermal Insulation (DSBE, Prifysgol Salford).

2015: Mr Norman Gilkinson - ESPART:  A tool enabling UK construction sector stakeholder capability to procure environmentally sustainable material products (MPhil, Prifysgol Salford).

2015: Prof Erik Bichard - The Application of Behavioural Strategies to Motivate Sustainable Decisions in the Built Environment (PhD by Published Works, Prifysgol Salford).

2014: Mr Norman Gilkinson - ESPART:  A tool enabling UK construction sector stakeholder capability to procure environmentally sustainable material products (PhD, Prifysgol Salford).

2014: Dr Jai Cui - A study of energy-related occupancy activities in a sample of monitored domestic buildings in the UK (PhD, Prifysgol Nottingham Trent).

2012: Mr Norman Gilkinson - ESPART:  A tool enabling UK construction sector stakeholder capability to procure environmentally sustainable material products (PhD, Prifysgol Salford).

2012: Dr Rita Scully - Implementing a Knowledge Sharing Roadmap in Small and Micro Companies (PhD, Prifysgol Salford).

2010: Mr David Zhong - Modern interpretation of FengShui in contemporary sustainable residential design (MPhil, Prifysgol Derby).

2009: Dr Jon Gates - Solar thermal storage using phase change materials (PhD, Prifysgol Brighton).


Cysylltiadau Allanol

2023 Rwy'n un o Farnwyr Gwobrau Amgylchedd Adeiledig Diwydiant Blynyddol Cymdeithas Siartredig y Peirianwyr Adeiladu (CABE): CABE Built Environment Awards 2024 - Chartered Association of Building Engineers (cbuilde.com).

2022: Roeddwn yn Gadeirydd ar gyfer Fforwm Ymchwil 1af CABE Cynaliadwyedd a Gwydnwch yn yr Amgylchedd Adeiledig. 

2020-presennol: Rwyf yn Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Cymru CABE.

2020-presennol: Rwy'n Aelod o Fwrdd Down to Zero, is-gwmni i Grŵp Tai Cynon Taf: Climate Change | Down To Zero | Wales (down-to-zero.co.uk).

2019-presennol: Cyd-olygydd Cyfres Llyfrau Spinger - Datblygiadau mewn Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Cynaliadwyedd: Datblygiadau mewn Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Cynaliadwyedd | Cyfres lyfrau adref (springer.com).

2018-presennol: Cymrawd Allanol, Sefydliad Cynaliadwyedd Leeds: Sefydliad Cynaliadwyedd Leeds | Ymchwil | PrifysgolLeeds Beckett

2011-presennol Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Rhaglen Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Cynhadledd Ryngwladol Cynaliadwyedd mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau (SEB): Cynhadledd Ryngwladol ar Gynaliadwyedd mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau - Pwyllgor Rhaglen (kesinternational.org).

2010-2020: Cadeirydd Trac Gwahoddedig ar gyfer nifer o draciau a wahoddwyd yng Nghynhadledd Ryngwladol SEB.

2013-dyddiad: G01 Trac Cyffredinol Cadeirydd: Adeiladau Cynaliadwy a Gwydn yng Nghynhadledd Ryngwladol SEB: KES-SEB23 : General Tracks (kesinternational.org).

2017-presennol: Cadeirydd Cyffredinol yn y Cynhadledd Ryngwladol SEB: KES-SEB23 : Organisation (kesinternational.org).

2016-presennol: Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Gwyddonol Rhyngwladol Cynhadledd Dylunio Ecolegol Cynaliadwy ar gyfer Cymdeithas (SEEDS): SEEDS CONFERENCE (international-seeds.co.uk).​

Prif Gyhoeddiadau, Arddangosfeydd a Gwobrau

Darllenwch bapurau a chyhoeddiadau'r Athro Littlewood ar gadwrfeydd DSpace a Figshare Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.

Darllenwch bapurau a chyhoeddiadau'r Athro Littlewood ar gadwrfeydd DSpace a Figshare Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.​

Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu / cyd-ysgrifennu 170+ o erthyglau cyhoeddedig academaidd a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid, penodau llyfrau, a phapurau cynadleddau, ac rwy'n un o dri chyd-olygydd ar gyfer cyfres lyfrau Springer: Lansiwyd 'Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology' yn 2019, sydd ym mis Gorffennaf 2023 wedi cyhoeddi 26 cyfrol.

John Littlewood (0000-0002-0351-9954) - My ORCID

Detholiad o Erthyglau mewn Cyfnodolion, Penodau mewn Llyfrau a Phatentau (diweddar ac 'yn y wasg')

Llyfrau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid​​

Littlewood J.R, Spataru C. & Howlett B., Jain, L.C. 2017. Smart Energy Control Systems for Sustainable Buildings. Springer, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series. Vol 67. March. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319520742.

Howlett, R.J. Littlewood, J.R. Balas, M.M. (Eds). 2022. Smart and Sustainable Technology or Resilient Cities & Communities. In: Vol 11, Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. https://link.springer.com/book/9789811691003.


Cyfres o Lyfrau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid

 Howlett, Robert J., Littlewood, J.R. Lakhmi C (Eds). 2021. An Introduction to Emerging Research in Sustainable Energy and Buildings for a Low-Carbon Future. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Vol 1. Series Editors: Howlett, R. J., Littlewood, J.R. Lakhmi C. (Series Editors). https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811587740.

 G. SrinivasaG. M. SiddeshS. R. Manisekhar (Eds). 2022. Society 5.0: Smart Future Towards Enhancing the Quality of Society. In: Vol 15, Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Howlett, R. J., Littlewood, J.R. Lakhmi C. (Series Editors). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-2161-2.

Nasrin AghamohammadiMat Santamouris (Eds). 2022. Urban Overheating: Heat Mitigation and the Impact on Health. In: Vol 21, Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Howlett, R. J., Littlewood, J.R. Lakhmi C. (Series Editors).  https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-4707-0.

TripathiRavi, D. SharmaHakan, K. OztopRajamohan Natarajan, F. 2023. Nanomaterials and Nanoliquids: Applications in Energy and Environment. In: Vol 24, Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Howlett, R. J., Littlewood, J.R. Lakhmi C. (Series Editors).  Nanomaterials and Nanoliquids: Applications in Energy and Environment | SpringerLink.


Trafodion mewn Cynadleddau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid

Howlett, R.J. Jain, L,C. Manca, V. Littlewood, J, R. Balas, M, M. 2021. COVID-19 Challenge International Virtual Summit Conference Digest. KES International. http://covidchallenge.kesinternational.org/CVC21%20digest.pdf.

Littlewood, J. R. Howlett, R.J., Lakhmi C. J. (Eds.). 2023. Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2022. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer. Vol. 336. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8769-4

Littlewood, J. R. 2023. Chartered Association of Building Engineers, Research Forum Digest – Embedding Sustainability. CABE Research Forum Digest - Chartered Association of Building Engineers (cbuilde.com).


Erthyglau mewn Cylchgronau a Adolygir gan Gymheiriaid (Mynediad Agored)

LITTLEWOOD, J. R. GEENS, A, J. 2004. The computer modelling methodology for the dynamic thermal simulation of a two-storey earth sheltered house. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT) - Special Issue on Special issue in "Product and Process Modelling in the building and related industries. Vol.3 No. 1/2/3 2004, pp. 57-69. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCAT.2004.003841.

CARFRAE, J. PIETER de WILDE, P. LITTLEWOOD, J, R. GOODHEW, S. WALKER, P. 2011. Development of a Cost-Effective Probe for the Long Term Monitoring of Straw Bale Buildings. Building and Environment Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 156-164. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360132310002155.

Hopper, J. Littlewood, J. R. Geens, A.J. Counsell, J.A.M. Taylor, T. Thomas, A. Evans, N.I.  2012. Assessing retrofitted external wall insulation using infrared thermography. Structural Survey Journal, Volume 30, issue 3, pp 245-266. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/02630801211241810/full/html.

Cosgrove J., Littlewood J,R. Wilgeroth P., 2017. “Development of a Framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Identify Reductions in Energy Consumption in a Medical Devices Production Facility”, International Journal of Ambient Energy (IJAE), Taylor & Francis. 31st January. pp, 1-09. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01430750.2017.1278718

Littlewood, J. R. Smallwood, I. 2017. In-construction tests show rapid smoke spread across dwellings.  Journal of Engineering Sustainability. Volume 170 Issue 2, March 2017, pp. 102-112. Themed issue on sustainability in energy and buildings – part 2. Link: https://doi.org/10.1680/jensu.15.00063.

ATKINSON, J. LITTLEWOOD, J, R. GEENS, A, J. KARANI. 2017. Relieving fuel poverty in Wales with external wall insulation. Journal of Engineering Sustainability. Volume 170 Issue 2, April 2017, pp. 93-101. https://doi.org/10.1680/jensu.15.00064.

Seguela, G. Littlewood, J. R. Karani, G. 2017. Eco-engineering strategies for soil restoration and water conservation: Investigating the application of soil improvements in a semi-arid climate in a medical facility case study, Abu Dhabi. Ecological Engineering Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.07.020.

Naimi, A. Karani, G, Littlewood, J. R. 2018. Stakeholder Views on Land Reclamation and Marine Environment in Doha, Qatar. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. DOI:10.15640/jaes.v7n1a4

Butler, T. J. Littlewood, J.R. Millward, H. 2019. Enhanced IEQ through Passive Earth Tubes in Canada. The REHVA European HVAC Journal - Special Issue. Volume: 56 Issue: 3 June 2019, pp. 57-63. https://www.rehva.eu/rehva-journal/chapter/enhanced-ieq-through-passive-earth-tubes-in-canada.

Seguela, G. Littlewood, J. R. Karani, G. 2020. A GHG Metric Methodology to Assess Onsite Buildings Non-Potable Water System for Outdoor Landscape Use. Applied Sciences Journal - Special Issue Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Building. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(4), 1339; https://doi.org/10.3390/app10041339.

Zaccaro F., Littlewood J.R., Hayles C.S. (2021). An Analysis of Repeating Thermal Bridges from Timber Frame Fraction in Closed Panel Timber Frame Walls: A Case Study from Wales, UK. Energies 2021, 14(4), 1211 - Special Issue - Environmental and Sustainable Built Environments: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/4/1211

Seguela, G., Littlewood, J.R. Karani, G. 2022. Non-Potable Water Quality Assessment Results for Water Conservation in the Context of a Medical Facility Case Study. Sustainability 2022, 14(11), Special Issue "Water: Key Factor for the Future of Sustainable World". https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/11/6578.    

CLARKE. J, Littlewood, J.R. & Karani, G. 2023. Developing Tools to Enable the UK Construction Industry to Adopt the Active Building Concept for Net Zero Carbon Buildings. Buildings, 13(2), 304. Special Issue: Digital and Intelligent Approaches for Sustainable Architectural Design. January 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13020304.


Erthyglau mewn Cyfnodolion Procedia a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid (Mynediad Agored)

NOORAEI, M. LITTLEWOOD, J. R. EVANS, N. I. 2013. Feedback from occupants in ‘as designed’ low-carbon apartments, a case study in Swansea, UK. Energy Procedia, Volume 42 - Elsevier, November 2013, pp. 446-456. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610213017475.

Marais, P. Littlewood. J. R. Karani. G. 2015. The use of polymer stabilised earth foundations for rammed earth construction. Energy Procedia Journal. Volume 83, December 2015, Pages 464–473. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610215028313.

LITTLEWOOD, J, R. ALAM, M. GOODHEW, S. 2017. A new methodology for the selective measurement of building performance and safety. Energy Procedia, March. Vol. 111. pp. 338-346. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610217302254.

Littlewood, J. R. Smallwood, I. 2017. One year temperature and heat pump performance for a micro-community of low carbon dwellings, in Wales, UK. Energy Procedia, Vol. 111, pp. 387-396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.200.

Littlewood, J. R. Alam, M. Goodhew, S. Davies, G. The Safety Gap in buildings: Perceptions of Welsh Fire Safety Professionals. Energy Procedia. Volume 134, October 2017, Pages 787-796. Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610217347203

Alhazim. M. Littlewood, J. R. Canavan, K. Carey, P. 2017. Sunlight analysis for the Kuwaiti Government dwelling design and effects on householders’ health. Energy Procedia, Volume 134, October 2017, Pages 894-903. Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610217362471.


Penodau mewn Llyfrau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid

Littlewood, J. R. 2013. Assessing and monitoring the thermal performance of dwellings, Chapter Four. In: Architectural Technology: Research & Practice. Editor: EMMITT, S. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118292365.ch4/summary.

Cosgrove J., Littlewood J.R. & Wilgeroth P. 2017. Development of a holistic method to analyse the consumption of energy and technical services in manufacturing facilities, Chapter Nine, pp 199-221. In: 'Smart Energy Control Systems for Sustainable Buildings’. Vol 67. Springer, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series.. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-52076-6_9.

Jahic, D. Littlewood, J. R. Karani, G. Atkinson, J. Bolton, D. 2019. Evaluating occupant wellbeing in retrofitted dwellings with the short form 36 questionnaire. Chapter 35. In: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, SEB18. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer. Vol. 131. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-04293-6_35.

Littlewood, J. R. Smallwood, I. 2019. Occupant Interaction with As-Designed Smart Heating: Impacts upon Energy Use & Thermal Comfort. Chapter 39. In: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2018 SEB’18. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer. Vol. 131. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-04293-6_39.

Littlewood, J.R. Waldron, D. Newman, G. Hedges, D. Zaccaro, F. 2019. Building Performance Assessment Protocol for Timber Dwellings, Conducting Thermography Tests on Live Construction sites. Chapter 62. In: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 163, pp. 735-745. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-32-9868-2_62.

Thurairajah U., Littlewood J.R., Karani G. (2021). A Novel Approach to Controlling Outdoor Light Pollution by Adopting Smart Science and Technology to Improve Residents Quality of Life in the Built Environment. Howlett, R.J. Lakhmi, C. (series eds), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 203. Springer, Singapore. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-8783-2_31.

Moorhouse V., Littlewood J.R., Hale E. 2021. A Pilot Study Evaluating Offsite Manufacturing of Timber Frame Panels Using Lean Manufacturing Principles for Dwellings. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 203. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8783-2_42.

Zaccaro F., Littlewood J.R., Hayles C.S. (2021) Thermal Bridge Analysis for Offsite Manufactured Closed Panel Timber Frame Walls. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 203. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8783-2_37.

Jahic D., Littlewood J.R., Karani G. (2021) Piloting a Management and Evaluation Protocol for Occupant Quality of Life in Welsh Dwelling Retrofits. Chapter 39, pp-467-478. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 203. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8783-2_39.

Butler T.J., Littlewood J.R., Howlett R. (2021) Earth Tubes—Clean-Tech Method for Improving Occupant Health and Comfort. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 203. Springer, Singapore. Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-8783-2_47.

Grant, P. Littlewood, J.R. Pepperell, R. 2021. An Exploration of the Relationships Between Architectural Delight and Human Senses. Chapter 35. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 263. Springer, Singapore. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6269-0_35.

Hagi Adan, R. Littlewood, J.R. Sanna, F. 2021. A Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Enhanced Energy Performance Standards on the Thermal Performance of Masonry Construction Dwellings, in the United Arab Emirates. Chapter 36. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 263. Springer, Singapore. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6269-0_36.

SEGUELA, G. LITTLEWOOD, J.R. KARANI, G. 2022. Evaluation of a Landscape Irrigation Management Strategy to Support Abu Dhabi Update Its Water-Related Standards. In: Water Quality - New Perspectives, IntechOpen Limited, UK. https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/83766.  

Littlewood J.R. ZHANG, X. KARANI, G. 2023. A Pilot Study to Evaluate Occupant Quality of Life in Optimised Retrofit Dwellings in Wales, UK. Chapter 32. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 336. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8769-4_32.

Littlewood J.R. HAWKINS, R. EVANS, N.I. HALE, C. 2023. Offsite Manufacturing of Timber-Frame Woodfibre Insulated Construction Systems for Nearly-to-Zero Carbon Dwellings in Wales, UK. Chapter 36. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 336. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8769-4_36

STEVENS-WOOD, K. Littlewood J.R. SANNA, F. 2023. A Community Housing Association's Strategy for the Benchmarking, Reduction and Sequestration of Carbon Towards a Resilient and Globally Responsible Wales (UK). Chapter 23. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 336. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8769-4_23.


Erthyglau mewn Cynadleddau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid

LITTLEWOOD, J. R. GEENS, A, J, A, J. 2001. The simulated thermal performance of a pair of two-storey earth sheltered houses for the UK climate. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Foundation Construction and Building Research Conference, 3rd to 5th September 2001, Volume 1, pp. 128-138. School of the Built and Natural Environment Glasgow Caledonian University.

LITTLEWOOD, J. R. SMITH, D. GEENS. A. J. 2002. Public evaluation of a pair of two-storey earth sheltered houses for sustainable communities in Wales, UK. The 3rd International Sustainable Building Conference, 23-25 September 2002, Oslo, Norway. http://www.irbnet.de/daten/iconda/CIB2479.pdf.

DEVANY, L. LITTLEWOOD, J. R. GEENS, A. J. 2006. Urban beekeeping schemes for sustainable food production and biodiversity. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Foundation Construction and Building Research Conference. UCL, the Bartlett, London, UK, 7-8th September 2006.

LITTLEWOOD, J. R. TAYLOR. T. GOODHEW. S. EVANS. N. I. COUNSELL. J. A. M. WHYMAN. A. WILGEROTH. P. 2011. Development of a thermography protocol for the in-construction testing of the thermal performance of low carbon dwellings. The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers Technical Symposium, 6-7 September 2011, Demontford University, Leicester, UK.

HOPPER, J. LITTLEWOOD, J, R. GEENS, A, J. FOX, C. COUNSELL, J. A. 2011. THOMAS, A. Developing monitoring protocols for dwellings undergoing low carbon retrofit solutions, Wales, UK. The World Sustainable Building Conference SB11 Helsinki, 18-21st October 2011, Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, Helsinki, Finland. Volume 1, Sustainable Processes and eco-efficient technologies Page 1723-1732.

LITTLEWOOD, J, R. TAYLOR, T. DAVIES, G. JOHN. D. 2011. How to minimise space heating to dwellings in Wales, UK through the use of exhaust air source heat pumps: results of a post-occupancy monitoring study in Bargoed, UK. World Sustainable Building Conference SB11 Helsinki, 18-21st October 2011, Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, Helsinki, Finland.

Cosgrove J., Doyle F., O‘Neill M., Littlewood J.R. Wilgeroth P., 2016. A methodology for verified energy savings in manufacturing facilities through changes in operational behaviour. International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Industry, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE). Berlin, Germany. September.  http://proceedings.eceee.org/visabstrakt.php?event=6&doc=2-034-16.  

Al-naimi, A., Karani, G. Littlewood, J.R. 2017. Effects of Land Reclamation on Marine Life on Doha Coastal Region, State of Qatar.: ISER 57th International Conference. The International Society for Engineers and Researchers (ISER). http://www.worldresearchlibrary.org/up_proc/pdf/861-150044530254-60.pdf

Littlewood, J. R. Davies, G. 2017. The Sustainable regeneration of the Swansea High Street - a cohesive community. Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Research Advances Journal. Vol. 6. No. 1. pp. 35-43. Cited at: https://nimbusvault.net/publications/koala/SEBRA/papers/seb17s-010.pdf.

Grant, P. Littlewood, J. R. Pepperell, P. 2018. Emotive Architecture – Sensory Design Evaluation of Schools. SEEDS 2018 International Conference, 6th to 7th September 2018, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. pp. 935-941. https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/-/media/files/research/leeds-sustainability-institute/seeds-conference/seeds-conference-proceedings-2018.pdf.

Philip, B. Littlewood, J. R. Radford, R. Evans, N. Whyman, T. Jones, D.P. 2019. Energy Assessment Technique for Retrofit Mine-water District Heat Network. International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 (ICSIC). July, University of Cambridge, UK. https://doi.org/10.1680/icsic.64669.447.

Duncan, T. Hayles, C. Littlewood, J. R. Jones, S. Boyle, T.  2021. A methodology for assessing satisfaction levels in affordable housing in Wales. International Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS21) Conference. 1-3 September 2021, UK.


Cyhoeddiadau’r Diwydiant

Littlewood, J. R. Smallwood, I. 2015. Building Performance Evaluation: Final Report, Domestic Buildings, Phase 2, In-use performance and post occupancy evaluation – Project 450103 Aberfawr Terrace. Building Performance Evaluation, Technology Strategy Board, UK.​

Detholiad o Wobrau

2020. Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol gan KES International. Am weithredu fel hyrwyddwr KES ar gyfer adeiladu cynaliadwy; darparu cefnogaeth ar gyfer cyfres Cynhadledd Cynaliadwyedd mewn Ynni ac Adeiladau am ddegawd gan gynnwys cadeirio'r gynhadledd (2014, 2017, 2019-dyddiad), rhoi cyweirnod (2011) a sgyrsiau gwadd (2013), Cadeiryddi Traciau (2013-date), a sesiynau gwahoddedig (2010-date). Mae hefyd yn gyd-olygydd cyfres lyfrau KES Springer 'Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology'. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kes-international_we-are-so-proud-to-announce-the-well-deserving-activity-6716675379874136064-YOSM/.

2021. InnovateUK / KTN KTP 2021 Gwobr Arweinwyr y Dyfodol: Verity Moorhouse. https://businesswales.gov.wales/innovation/news-0/three-welsh-finalists-nominated-ktp-best-best-awards-2021 a https://www.ktp-uk.org/awards/. Roeddwn yn Brif Ymchwilydd a Goruchwyliwr Academaidd ar gyfer y prosiect KTP hwn.

2021. Gwobr Green Gown: Adeiladu'n ôl yn well: Kirsten Stevens-Wood, Prof John Littlewood, Prof Fausto Sanna. I lawr i sero: Prosiect Datgarboneiddio Tai Cymunedol Cynon Taf. https://www.sustainabilityexchange.ac.uk/green_gown_awards_2021_build_back_better_cardif 

2023. InnovateUK Outstanding and Certificate of Excellence for KTP 04/05/18 – 03/09/22 Yr Athro John Littlewood o'r enw 'To embed a Hale Innovation Management System (HiMS), ), with a Holistic Feedback & Optimisation Loop (HFOL) for transparent cost appraisal/reduction, and product performance enhancement (golden threads). Pioneering expansion of prefabricated components and transitioning into modular construction.’

Roeddwn i'n Brif Ymchwilydd a Goruchwyliwr Academaidd ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.​