Dr Rob Meyers



Prif Ddarlithydd mewn Cryfder a Chyflyru (S & C) ac yn Gydlynydd Rhaglen Israddedig

Rhif ffôn: 029 2041 6505
Cyfeiriad e-bost: rwmeyers@cardiffmet.ac.uk


Mae Rob yn Brif Ddarlithydd mewn Cryfder a Chyflyru, gan addysgu'n bennaf ar y  BSc Tylino, Adfer a Chyflyru ar gyfer Chwaraeon a rhaglenni gradd MSc Cryfder a Chyflyru  yn Ysgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd. Mae'n dysgu'n eang ar draws y rhaglenni hyn ond mae'n arbenigo mewn Cryfder a Chyflyru gydag athletwyr ieuenctid yn ei addysgu a'i ymchwil. Yn ei rôl fel Cydlynydd Rhaglenni Israddedig mae'n gyfrifol am reoli'r rhaglenni israddedig yn Ysgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd.

Mae Rob hefyd wedi darparu ystod o wasanaethau cymorth i gyrff llywodraethu ac athletwyr cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n gweithredu fel Pennaeth Hyfforddi yn y Ganolfan Datblygiad Corfforol Ieuenctid ym Met Caerdydd. Mae Rob wedi bod yn Hyfforddwr Cryfder a Chyflyru Achrededig (ASCC) gyda  Cymdeithas Cryfder a Chyflyru'r DU  (UKSCA) ers 2008, ac mae hefyd yn diwtor addysg Hyfforddwr Perfformiad a Hyfforddwr LTA.

Ymchwil / Cyhoeddiadau

Mae diddordebau ymchwil Rob yn canolbwyntio ar Gryfder a Chyflyru a Ffisioleg perfformiad mewn poblogaethau pediatreg / ieuenctid, a gweithredu Datblygiad Athletau Hirdymor. Mae'r diddordebau hyn yn cynnwys datblygu cryfder, pŵer, cyflymder ac ystwythder mewn athletwyr ieuenctid gydag oedran ac aeddfedu, Datblygiad Athletwyr Tymor Hir, Datblygiad Corfforol Ieuenctid a ffisioleg perfformiad tenis. Cwblhawyd Rob ei  PhD ym mis Mehefin 2016, gyda thesis o'r enw "The influence of age, growth and maturation upon maximal sprint speed in male youth."


Erthyglau Cyfnodolion Academaidd wedi’u hadolygu

Meyers, R.W., Oliver, J.L., Hughes, M.G, Lloyd, R.L. and Cronin, J.B. (2016) The influence of age, maturity and body size on the spatiotemporal determinants of maximal sprint speed in boys. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (Published ahead-of-print) http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000001310

Meyers, R.W., Oliver, J.L., Hughes, M.G, Lloyd, R.L. and Cronin, J.B. (2015) Reliability of the spatio-temporal determinants of maximal sprint speed in adolescent boys over single and multiple steps, Pediatric Exercise Science 27, 419 – 426 http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/pes.2015-0038

Meyers, R.W., Oliver, J.L., Hughes, M.G., Lloyd, R.L. and Cronin, J.B.  (2015) Maximal Sprint Speed in Boys of Increasing Maturity, Pediatric Exercise Science, 27, 85-94 http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/pes.2013-0096

Stone, K.J., Hughes, M.G., Stembridge, M.R., Meyers, R.W., Newcombe, D.J. & Oliver, J.L. (2014) The influence of playing surface on physiological and performance responses during and after soccer simulation, European Journal of Sport Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2014.984768  

Lloyd, R.S., Oliver, J.L., Meyers, R.W., Read, P., Nimphius, S., and Jeffreys, I. (2013). Considerations for the Development of Agility During Childhood and Adolescence. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 35(3): 2-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0b013e31827ab08c

Hughes, M.G., Birdsey, L., Meyers, R., Newcombe, D., Oliver, J., Smith, P., Stembridge, M., Stone, K. and Kerwin, D. (2013) Effects of playing surface on physiological responses and performance variables in a controlled football simulation. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(8), 878-886. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.757340

Lloyd, R.S., Oliver, J.L., Meyers, R.W., Moody, J. and Stone, M.H. (2012). Long-term athletic development and its application to youth weightlifting. Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(4), 55-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0b013e31825ab4bb         

Oliver, J.L., Lloyd, R.S. and Meyers, R.W. (2011). Training elite child athletes: promoting welfare and wellbeing. Strength and Conditioning Journal 33(4): 73-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0b013e318216a9b6

Ford, P.A., De Ste Croix, M.B.A., Lloyd, R.S., Meyers, R., Moosavi, M., Oliver, J., Till, K. & Williams, C.A (2011). Critical review of the Long-Term Athlete Development Model – Problems with its physiological application.  Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(4): 389-402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2010.536849

Stone, K., Oliver, J.L., Hughes, M.G., Newcombe, D., Stembridge, M. & Meyers, R.W. (2011). Development of a soccer-simulation protocol involving agility and repeated sprints.  International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 6: 427-431. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21911867

Roberts, T., Turner, A. and Meyers, R. (2011) A Field-Based Test Battery for Tennis. Professional Strength and Conditioning (UKSCA Journal). 20: 13-22.

Lloyd, R., Meyers, R. and Oliver, J. (2011) The natural development and trainability of plyometric ability during childhood. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 33(2): 23-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0b013e3182093a27

Oliver, J. L. and Meyers, R.W. (2009). Reliability and generality of measures of acceleration, planned agility, and reactive agility. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 4(3): 345-354. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19953822

Hughes, M. and Meyers, R. (2005) Movement patterns in elite level men's singles tennis,

International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 5(2): 110-134.


Penodau llyfrau

Hughes. M.G., Lloyd, R.S. and Meyers, R.W. (2012). Chapter XIII: Sprinting and plyometric ability in youths: the effect of natural development and training. In Reviews in Paediatric Exercise Science (Duncan, M. eds.). Nova Science Publishers. p201-216.  https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=28200

Meyers, R.W. (2009) Comparison of laboratory and on-court fitness testing of aerobic fitness in tennis players. In: Lees, A., Cabello, D. and Torres, G. Science and Racket sports IV. Oxon, Routledge. pp 29-35. http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9780415666930/


Cyflwyniadau cynadleddau

Footwork and Conditioning for Mini Tennis Players. Presented at the Tennis Wales Level 1/2 Conference, Cardiff, October 2012.

Speed Development in Youth Athletes (Part of Enhancing Power and Speed in Youth: New Insights symposium). Presented at the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Glasgow, July 2012.

The Role of Needs Analysis: Strength and Conditioning. Presented at the Cardiff Sports and Exercise Medicine Conference 2012, University Hospital of Wales, March 2012.

The development of effective on-court movement with juniors: Implications for Strength & Conditioning. Presented at the LTA Strength and Conditioning Workshop, National Tennis Centre, Roehampton, August 2011.

The development and trainability of speed with age and maturation. Presented at the Researching Youth Sport Conference, Loughborough University, Nov 2010.

The influence of maturation status on maximal sprint speed characteristics in boys. Presented to the International Conference of
Physical Education and Sports Science, National Institute of Education, Singapore, May 2010.

Providing sport science support to a national athlete development project. Presented at the Researching Youth Sport Conference, Brunel University, Sept 2009.

9-12s - The physical foundation for tomorrows players. Presented to the Tennis Wales Coaches Conference, Welsh National Tennis Centre, Cardiff, Feb 2008

U9s - Getting the physical fundamentals right. Presented to the Tennis Wales Coaches Conference, Welsh National Tennis Centre, Cardiff, Feb 2008

Physical Development – What coaches need to know. Presented to the Tennis Wales Coaches Conference, Welsh National Tennis Centre, Cardiff, Feb 2008

Comparison of laboratory and on-court testing of aerobic fitness in tennis players. Presented to the Fourth World Congress of Science and Racket Sports, Madrid, Sept 2006.


Crynodebau Cynhadledd

Radnor, J.M., Moeskops, S., Davies, M. and Meyers, R.W. (2015) Relationship between lower limb force-time characteristics and change of direction speed. Proceeding of the UKSCA's 11th Annual Conference, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire, July 2015.

Pedley, J.S., Bennett, J and Meyers, R.W. (2015) Relationship between trunk strength and isometric closed kinetic chain performance. Proceeding of the UKSCA's 11th Annual Conference, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire, July 2015.

Meyers, R.W., Oliver, J.L., Hughes, M.G., Lloyd, R.S. and Cronin, J.B. (2015) The influence of age, maturity and body size on maximal sprint speed in boys. Proceeding of the UKSCA's 11th Annual Conference, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire, July 2015.

Meyers, R.W., Morris, S., & Lloyd, R.S. (2014) The effects of concurrent strength and high-intensity interval training on indices of strength, power and endurance performance. Proceeding of the UKSCA's 10th Annual Conference, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire, July 2014. Awarded best Poster presentation in conference.

Moeskops, S., Radnor, J.M., Meyers, R.W., Oliver, J.L., de ste Croix, M.B.A. & Lloyd, R.S. (2014) The effects of an eight-week integrated neuromuscular training programme on pre-pubescent female gymnasts' anterior cruciate ligament injury risk: a preliminary study. Proceeding of the UKSCA's 10th Annual Conference, Chesford Grange, Warwickshire, July 2014.

Oliver, J.L., Meyers, R.W., Lloyd, R.S., Rumpf, M., and McMaster, D.T. (2012) Enhancing Power and Speed in Youth: New Insights symposium. Proceedings of the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Glasgow, July 2012.

Hughes, M.G., Archer, M., Meyers, R.W., Stembridge, M., Oliver, J., Cronin, J., Sephton, A. & Smith, P. (2010) The effect of training in the development of sprint-speed and power in groups of 11 to 16 year old boys. Proceedings of the BASES annual conference, Glasgow University, September 2010.

Hughes, M.G., Archer, M., Meyers, R.W., Stembridge, M., Oliver, J., Cronin, J., Sephton, A. & Smith, P. (2010) The influence of maturation and age on speed-training gains in 11-16-year old boys. Proceedings of the International Conference of
Physical Education and Sports Science, National Institute of Education, Singapore, May 2010.

Meyers, R., Oliver, J., Hughes, M.G., Stembridge, M. and Cronin, J. (2010). The influence of maturation status on maximal sprint speed characteristics in boys. Proceedings of the International Conference of
Physical Education and Sports Science, National Institute of Education, Singapore, May 2010.

Ford, P.A., Hughes M.G., Lloyd, R., Meyers R., Moosavi, M., Plat G., Oliver, J., Stretch, D.J. & Williams, C.A (2008). Application of the Long-Term Athlete Development Model - Tracking Physiological Parameters. Proceedings of the BASES annual conference, Brunel University, September 2008.

Hughes, M.G., Deutsch, M., Meyers, R., Reid, A. (2007). Correlates of speed-test performance among contestants in a football talent identification scheme: the Football Icon project. Proceedings of the BASES conference, September 2007. University of Bath.

Meyers, R. (2006) Comparison of laboratory and on-court testing of aerobic fitness in tennis players, Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of Science and Racket Sports, Madrid, Sept 2006, pp59-60.

Addysgu a Goruchwylio

Rwy'n cyflwyno modiwlau o fewn y BSc Tylino, Adfer a Chyflyru ar gyfer Chwaraeon rhaglenni gradd, yn bennaf ym maes Cryfder a Chyflyru gyda rhai cyfraniadau at fodiwlau Adsefydlu a Ffisioleg. Ar hyn o bryd fi yw arweinydd y modiwl ar gyfer y modiwl Cyflwyniad i Gryfder a Chyflyru .  Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n eistedd ar bwyllgor Ysgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd  Moeseg Ymchwil  ac o'r blaen rwyf wedi cyflawni rôl Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen ar gyfer Adsefydlu a Thylino Cyflyru Chwaraeon  BSc  (2010-2014).

Cymwysterau a Gwobrau

BSc (Anrh) Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff (UWIC, Caerdydd, 2003)
MSc (Anrh) Gwyddoniaeth Hyfforddi (UWIC, Caerdydd, 2005)
FHEA - Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA) - (Cyflawnwyd 2008)
UKSCA - Hyfforddwr Cryfder a Chyflyru Achrededig (ACSS) - (Cyflawnwyd 2008)
Hyfforddwr perfformiad CCA LTA (Cyflawnwyd 2005)
1st4Sport Lefel 3 Cyflwyniad i Ymarfer Asesu mewn Chwaraeon (Cyflawnwyd 2009)
Tystysgrif LTA mewn sgiliau tiwtora (Cyflawnwyd 2009)

Dolenni Allanol

Rwy'n gysylltiedig â nifer o sefydliadau allanol trwy ymchwil, ymarfer proffesiynol, gweithgareddau menter a dysgu ac addysgu. Mae'r ymgynghoriaeth a'r cysylltiadau cyfredol yn cynnwys:


Mae ymgynghoriaeth a chysylltiadau blaenorol yn cynnwys:

  • Gymnasteg Prydain - Gweithdy ar gymhwyster hyfforddi Lefel 3 ar Gryfder a Chyflyru
  • LTA - Gweithdai DPP i Hyfforddwyr Cryfder a Chyflyru sy'n gweithio ym maes tenis
  • FIFA - Prosiectau ymchwil tyweirch (gan gynnwys Chelsea FC)
  • Gleision Caerdydd - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Clwb Pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Badminton Cymru - DPP ar gyfer hyfforddwyr perfformiad uchel / cryfder a chyflyru ar gyfer chwaraewyr datblygu.
  • Athletau Cymru - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Athletau Surrey - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Sgwad Sgïo Cymru - Cefnogaeth Cryfder a Chyflyru i aelodau unigol o'r tîm.
  • Badminton Lloegr - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Clwb Rygbi Caerloyw - Cefnogaeth ffisiolegol (profi).
  • Timau Chwaraeon Met Caerdydd - Cefnogaeth cryfder a chyflyru i wahanol dimau gan gynnwys Tenis (dynion a menywod) a Phêl-rwyd
  • Prosiect Eicon Pêl-droed 2 - Tîm profi a rheoli gwyddoniaeth chwaraeon
  • Fusion Sport – Cyn reolwr gwerthu a chefnogi Ewropeaidd. 

Arholwr Allanol

Arholwr Allanol:

  • BSc (Anrh) Cryfder a Chyflyru Chwaraeon (3 Mlynedd) a BSc (Anrh) Cryfder a Chyflyru Chwaraeon (llwybr cyflym), Prifysgol Caerloyw (2014-Presennol)

Panelydd Allanol:

  • Adolygu ac ailddilysu Hyfforddiant Addysg Gorfforol a Phêl-droed FdSc gydag Arsenal yn y Gymuned a Hyfforddiant Personol FdSc gyda Chryfder a Chyflyru, Coleg Dinas ac Islington, Prifysgol Metropolitan Llundain, Mehefin 2014.
  • Dilysu BSc (Anrh) Addysg Gorfforol a Hyfforddi (atodol) a BSc (Anrh) Hyfforddiant Personol gyda Chryfder a Chyflyru (atodol) Coleg Dinas ac Islington, Prifysgol Fetropolitan Llundain, Rhagfyr 2014.

Proffil Chwaraeon / Hyfforddi

Proffil Chwaraeon

  • Capten a chwaraewr Tenis UWIC (2001-2003)
  • Tîm Nofio a Polo dŵr UWIC (2002-2005)
  • Ymgynghorydd Tenis Proffesiynol / Ffitrwydd Clwb La Manga, Sbaen (2000-2006)

Proffil hyfforddi