Yr Athro Owen Thomas



Darllenydd mewn Seicoleg Chwaraeon

Cydlynydd y Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil (REF)

Rhif ffôn: 029 20417281
Cyfeiriad e-bost: othomas@cardiffmet.ac.uk​

Mae Owen yn Ddarllenydd mewn Seicoleg Chwaraeon ac yn Gydlynydd REF ar gyfer Ysgol Chwaraeon a Gwyddorau Iechyd Caerdydd (Chwaraeon) sy'n cydlynu cyflwyniad yr Ysgol i UoA 24. Cyn hynny, bu'n gwasanaethu fel Cydlynydd Ôl-raddedig ar gyfer Chwaraeon Ysgol Caerdydd ac wedi bod yn Gyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Seicoleg Chwaraeon MSc (achrededig Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain). Mae Owen yn ymchwilydd a darlithydd gweithredol o fewn cwricwlwm Seicoleg Chwaraeon ac o'r blaen mae wedi eistedd ar Dîm Rheoli a Chynllunio'r Ysgol. Mae'n Seicolegydd siartredig gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain ac yn ymarferydd cofrestredig gyda'r Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal ac mae'n ymgynghori ag ystod o grwpiau cleientiaid. 

Ymchwil / Cyhoeddiadau

Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn ymwneud yn bennaf â meysydd straen a pherfformiad a hyder ac effeithiolrwydd mewn chwaraeon. Mae gen i ffocws cymhwysol clir hefyd i'm hymchwil sy'n ymgymryd â sawl rhaglen gyda chydweithwyr yn Sefydliad Chwaraeon Lloegr. Yn fwy diweddar, rwyf wedi cychwyn ar raglen o waith yn archwilio iechyd a lles yn heddluoedd De Cymru a Gwent ac mewn lleoliadau Prifysgol. 

Cyfraniadau at Lyfrau Ymchwil a Adolygwyd gan Gymheiriaid

Hays, K., Lane, A., & Thomas, O. (2016). Sport confidence. In Lane, A.M. (Ed.). Sport and Exercise Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology, Second Edition. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0340928943

Thomas, O., & Neil, R. (2014). Breathing exercises. In, R. C. Eklund & G. Tenebaum (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp.92-94). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-1-452-20383-6.

Thomas, O., & Neil, R. (2014). Activation (energizing) strategies. In, R. C. Eklund & G. Tenebaum (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 251-253). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-1-452-20383-6.

Neil, R., & Thomas, O. (2014). Relaxation. In, R. C. Eklund & G. Tenebaum (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 587-591). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-1-452-20383-6.

Kingston, K., Thomas, O., & Neil, R. (2013). Psychology for coaches. In, R.L Jones, M. Hughes, and K. Kingston. An introduction to sports coaching: Connecting theory to practice, second edition (pp. 49-66). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-69491-9.

Thomas, O. & Tong, R. (2010). Co-ordinating dissertations in a shared modular matrix: Reflections on assessment criteria, delivery and marking. In, P. Kemp, R. Atfield & R. Tong. (Eds.), Enhancing learning through assessment in business and management, hospitality, leisure, sport, and tourism (pp. 53-64). Newbury, Berks: Threshold Press Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-903152-25-6.

Thomas, O., Mellalieu, S.D. & Hanton, S. (2009). Stress management in sport:  A critical review and synthesis. In. S.D. Mellalieu  & S. Hanton (Eds.). Advances in applied sport psychology: A review (pp.124, 161). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-44763-8.

Hanton, S., Thomas O. & Mellalieu, S.D. (2009).  Management of competitive stress in elite sport. In B. Brewer (Ed.). International Olympic Committee sport psychology handbook (pp. 30-42). Chchester: Wley-Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4051-7363-6.

Kingston, K., Thomas, O. & Mitchell, I. (2008). Psychology for coaches. In, R.L Jones, M. Hughes, and K. Kingston (Eds.). An introduction to sports coaching: From science and theory to practice (pp. 28-40). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-41131-8.

Rotheram, M., Bawden, M., Maynard, I., Thomas, O., & Scaife, R. (2006). An exploratory investigation of the 'yips' across and within sport. In P. Hassmén & N. Hassmén (Eds.). Yearbook 2006 from the Swedish Sport Psychology Association (pp. 1-22). Laholm, Sweden: Trydells Tryckeri AB.

Refereed Academic Journal Papers

Sellars, P., Evans, L., & Thomas, O. (2016). The Effects of Perfectionism in Elite Sport: Experiences of Unhealthy Perfectionists. The Sport Psychologist, 218-230.

Pitt, T., Thomas, O., Lindsay, P., Bawden, M., & Hanton, S. (2015). Doing sport psychology briefly: A critical review of single session their relevance to sport psychology. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8, 1-31.

Pitt, T., Lindsay, P., Thomas, O., Bawden, M., Goodwill, S., & Hanton, S. (2015). A perspective on consultancy teams and technology in applied sport psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16, 36-44.

Lindsay, P., & Thomas, O. (2014). Reflections on being a neophyte sport psychologist in the media: Conversations with my younger self. The Sport Psychologist, 28. 290-301.

Lindsay, P., Pitt, T., & Thomas, O. (2014). Bewitched by our words: Wittgenstein, language-games, and the pictures that hold sport psychology captive. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 10, 41-54.

Roberts, R., Rotheram, M., Maynard, I., Thomas, O., & Woodman, T. (2013). Perfectionism and the 'YIPS': An exploratory study. The Sport Psychologist, 27, 53-61.

Rotheram, M., Maynard, I., Thomas, O., Bawden, M., & Francis, L. (2012). Preliminary evidence for the treatment of type I 'Yips': The efficacy of the emotional freedom technique. The Sport Psychologist, 26, 551-570.

Thomas, O., Lane, A., & Kingston, K. (2011). Defining and contextualizing robust sport-confidence. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23, 189-208.

Thomas, O., Picknell, G., & Hanton, S. (2011). Recall agreement between actual and retrospective reports of competitive anxiety: A comparison of intensity and frequency dimensions. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 495-508.

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Butt, J., & Maynard, I. (2010). The development of confidence profiling for sport. The Sport Psychologist, 18, 373-392.

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Maynard, I., & Butt, J. (2010). The role of confidence profiling in cognitive-behavioral interventions in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 18, 393-414.

Kingston, K., Lane, A., and Thomas, O. (2010). A temporal examination of elite performers sources of sport-confidence. The Sport Psychologist, 18, 313-332.

Lindsay, P., Thomas, O., & Douglas, G. (2010). Exploring and transforming client generated metaphors in applied sport psychology. The Sport Psychologist, 24, 97-112.

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Maynard, I., & Bawden, M.  (2009). The role of confidence in World Class sport performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 1185-1199.

Mellalieu, S.D., Hanton, S., and Thomas, O. (2009). The effects of a motivational general-arousal imagery intervention upon preperformance symptoms in male rugby union players. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10, 175-186.

Thomas, O., Hanton, S. and Maynard, I. (2007). Anxiety responses and psychological skill use during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice I. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 379-397.

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Hanton, S. (2007). Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 398-418.

Hays, K., Maynard, I., Thomas, O. and Bawden, M. (2007). Sources and types of confidence identified by world class sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 434-456.

Lindsay, P., Breckon, J., Thomas, O., and Maynard, I. (2007). In Pursuit of congruence: A personal reflection upon methods and philosophy in applied practice. The Sport Psychologist, 21, 273-289.

Lindsay, P., Maynard, I.W., & Thomas, O. (2005). Effects of hypnosis on flow states an cycling performance. The Sport Psychologist, 19, 164-178

Thomas, O., Maynard, I.W., & Hanton, S. (2004). Temporal aspects of competitive anxiety and self-confidence as a function of anxiety perceptions. The Sport Psychologist, 18, 172-187.

Hanton, S., Thomas, O., & Maynard, I.W. (2004). Competitive anxiety response in the week leading up to competition: The role of intensity, direction and frequency dimensions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5, 169-181.

Thomas, O., Hanton, S., & Jones, G. (2002). An alternative approach to short-form self-report assessment of competitive anxiety. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 33, 325-336.

Dysgu a Goruchwylio

Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cyflwyno cynnwys ar Seicoleg Chwaraeon sy'n gysylltiedig â'm diddordebau ymchwil ar lefel Israddedig ac Ôl-raddedig. Rwyf hefyd yn goruchwylio ystod o brosiectau myfyrwyr mewn Seicoleg Chwaraeon ar lefel israddedig, ôl-raddedig a addysgir a doethuriaeth. 

Goruchwyliaeth Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
Wedi cwblhau:

Ben Chell. Thesis Title: Psychological mechanisms underpinning severe performance loss in sport. Student registered at Sheffield Hallam University and co-supervised by Professor Ian Maynard and Dr Mark Bawden. Completed May 2005. (External Examiners: Dr Sandy Wolfson, Northumbria University and Dr Richard Thelwell, University of Portsmouth). Supervisor.

Jeff Breckon: Thesis Title:  Physical activity counselling: The application of motivational interviewing and brief negotiation. Student registered at Sheffield Hallam University and co-supervised by Dr David Lavalle and Dr Lynne Johnston. Completed February 2007. (External Examiners: Professor Stuart Biddle, Loughborough University and Professor Steve Rollnick, Cardiff University). Supervisor.

Kate Hays: Thesis Title: The role of sport confidence in World Class performance. Student registered at Sheffield Hallam University and co-supervised by Professor Ian Maynard. Completed July, 2007. (External Examiner: Professor Craig Mahoney, Northumbria University). Supervisor.

Mike Rotheram: Thesis Title: Understanding the 'YIPS' in relation to task-constraints in sport. Student registered at Sheffield Hallam University and co-supervised by Professor Ian Maynard and Dr Mark Bawden. Completed July 2007. (External Examiner:  Dr Jan Graydon, University of Chichester. Supervisor.

Andrew Lane. Thesis Title: The development and maintenance of robust sport confidence in elite sport. Student registered at Cardiff Metropolitan University and co-supervised by Dr Kieran Kingston. Completed July 2012. (External Examiner Dr Jennifer Cumming, University of Birmingham). Director of Studies. *Recipient of the British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Doctoral Thesis of the year 2013.

Timothy Pitt. Thesis Title: 'Nudging' Sport Psychologists to Change: Developing a Framework of Single Session Problem-Solving Within Elite Sport. Student registered at Cardiff Metropolitan University and co-supervised by Dr Pete Lindsay (English Institute of Sport/MindFlick©), Prof. Sheldon Hanton and Dr Mark Bawden (English Institute of Sport/MindFlick©). Completed July 2017. Director of Studies. (Externally 40K funded research project from the English Institute of Sport).

Goruchwyliaeth cyfredol:

Hannah Brooks. Thesis title: The triathlon 'Mindset': A prospective study. Student registered at Cardiff Metropolitan University and co-supervised by Prof Lynne Evans and Dr Andy Lane (Advisor), Dr Matt Barlow (Bangor University) and Dr Kate Hays (English Institute of Sport). (Prosiect ymchwil 40K a ariennir yn allanol gan Traithlon Prydain). Expected completion 2020.

Bradley Wooldridge. Thesis title: En exploration of mental health and wellbeing support services in a higher education setting: A we fit for purpose?. Student registered at Cardiff Metropolitan University and co-supervised by Dr Mikel Mellick and Dr Katie Thirlaway. Expected completion 2020.

Helen Oliver: Health and wellbeing in UK Policing: Student registered at Cardiff Metropolitan University and co-supervised by Prof Rob Copeland (Sheffield Hallam University), Dr Tjerk Moll and Dr Rich Neil. (Prosiect ymchwil a ariennir yn allanol gan 72K gan Heddlu De Cymru a heddluoedd Gwent). Expected completion 2020.

Cymwysterau a Gwobrau

B.Sc. (Anrh) Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff, Sefydliad Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (2010)

M.Sc. BSc (Anrh) Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff, Sefydliad Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (2010)

Ph.D. Seicoleg Perfformiad Chwaraeon, Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam 

Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Dysgu ac Addysgu mewn Addysg Uwch, Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam

Seicolegydd Chwaraeon Achrededig BASES (Ymchwil a Chefnogaeth) (2002-2013)

Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch                              

Seicolegydd Siartredig Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain ac aelod llawn o'r Is-adran Seicoleg Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff

Ymarferydd Cofrestredig y Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal (HCPC) (PYL28908)

Dolenni Allanol

Ar hyn o bryd, a chyn hyn  rwyf wedi ymgysylltu â nifer o sefydliadau trwy ymchwil, ymarfer proffesiynol a gweithgareddau menter. Fel Seicolegydd BPS siartredig a Seicolegydd cofrestredig gyda'r HCPC (PYL28908) rwyf wedi darparu cefnogaeth i ystod o grwpiau cleientiaid. Mae rhai o uchafbwyntiau'r gweithgareddau hyn yn cynnwys:

Gwobrau Ymchwil a Chyllid Ymchwil

Rwyf wedi bod yn ffodus i dderbyn dwy wobr yn ymwneud â fy ymchwil ac ymchwil fy hun yr wyf wedi'u cyfarwyddo. Dyfarnwyd traethawd doethuriaeth y flwyddyn i Ymchwil Seicoleg Chwaraeon Cymhwysol (AASP) yn ôl yn 2004 a dyfarnwyd traethawd doethuriaeth y flwyddyn i PhD Dr Andy Lane yr oeddwn yn Gyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau ar ei gyfer gan Is-adran Chwaraeon Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain a Seicoleg Ymarfer Corff yn 2013. 

Rwyf wedi ennill cyllid allanol ar gyfer sawl prosiect ymchwil gyda chydweithwyr yn Sefydliad Chwaraeon Lloegr, Traithlon Prydain Ffederasiwn, HeddluMutual, heddluoedd De Cymru a Gwent a'r Coleg Plismona.

Sefydliad Chwaraeon Lloegr (EIS)

Rwy'n cynnal cysylltiadau cryf â nifer o'r ymarferwyr arweiniol yn yr EIS ac yn ymwneud ag arwain a chyfrannu at ystod o brosiectau ymchwil cydweithredol sy'n ymwneud â darparu a chefnogi gwasanaethau seicoleg chwaraeon cymhwysol. Arweiniodd y rhain at gyllid allanol (40K) i gyfarwyddo ymchwil PhD Dr Tim Pitt a hefyd (40K) cyllid allanol gan Ffederasiwn Triathlon Prydain / EIS i gyfarwyddo ymchwiliad Hannah Brook ar ddatblygiad y triathlon 'Mindset'.

Heddlu De Cymru, Heddlu Gwent, PoliceMutual a Coleg Plismona

Yn fwy diweddar, rwyf wedi symud ymlaen â dyfarniad 'Cychwyn' (2.5k) y Brifysgol a sicrhawyd yn fewnol i sicrhau cyllid allanol gan PoliceMutual (60K [ffens 35K wedi'i ddiogelu ar gyfer CSS]) ar gyfer prosiect sy'n archwilio iechyd a lles a gwytnwch yn Heddlu Gwent a De Cymru. grymoedd. Esblygodd y prosiect hwn yn gyllid allanol ychwanegol (72K) gan yr heddluoedd i ariannu PhD parhaus Helen Oliver. Mae'r prosiect wedi tyfu ymhellach trwy brosiect ymchwil (113K) a ariannwyd gan Goleg yr Heddlu sy'n archwilio effaith rhaglen ymyrraeth gweithgaredd corfforol wedi'i seilio ar Ap gyda Heddlu De Cymru gyda chydweithwyr o raglen 'MoveMore' Sheffield.

European Journal of Sport Science

Fe wnes i weithredu fel Golygydd Cyswllt ar gyfer y cyfnodolyn (Psychology, Social Science and Humanities) rhwng 2007 a 2015. Rwyf wedi cadw fy lle ar y Bwrdd Golygyddol o 2015 ymlaen. 

Golff Lloegr

Rwyf wedi gweithio ar lefel ranbarthol a chenedlaethol gyda England Golf (yn ffurfiol Undeb Golff Lloegr a Chymdeithas Golff Merched Lloegr) fel Seicolegydd Chwaraeon gydag ystod o chwaraewyr grŵp oedran. 

Arholiadau Doethurol

Kylie Roy, PhD. Thesis title: Sport injury related growth: Theory-to-practice. Viva: July 2017. Roehampton University. External Examiner.  

Harry Bowles, PhD. Thesis title: "Days in the dirt": An ethnography on cricket and the self. Viva: July 2014. Cardiff Metropolitan University. Internal Examiner.

Benjamin Rosenblat, PhD. Thesis title: Biomechanics of training – Principles in strength and conditioning. Viva: October 2014. Cardiff Metropolitan University. Examination Chair.

Eleri Jones, PhD. Thesis title: Performance anxiety: Mechanisms and measurement. Viva: July, 2012. University of South Wales. External Examiner.

Andrea Faull, PhD. Thesis title: Anxiety and motor performance: An examination of the part process goal paradox. Viva: October, 2009. University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. Internal Examiner.

Denise Hill, MPhil-PhD transfer. Thesis title: An in-depth examination of choking in sport. 2007: University of Gloucestershire, UK. External Examiner

Proffil Chwaraeon / Hyfforddi

Cynrychiolais Swydd Efrog fel bachgen ysgol mewn undeb rygbi a chwaraeais i glwb Rygbi Rotherham (Rotherham Titans) yn fy nyddiau cynnar. Chwaraeais golff hefyd i De Swydd Efrog fel plentyn. Mae fy nyddiau rygbi (ymhell!) y tu ôl i mi, ond rwy’n parhau i fod yn golffiwr brwd.