Traethawd ymchwil doethurol:
"On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!'' The Development of the Sport and Physical Activity Value (S&PAVAL) Model for use in the Leisure Industry.
Cyhoeddiadau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid:
Williams-Burnett, N.J and Kearns, P (2018) "A new perspective: consumer values and the consumption of physical activity", Education + Training,
Cyflwynwyd ar 12 Ebrill 2013: European Sports Management Quarterly (ESMQ), Value Co-Creation in sport Management Special Issues 2014: ‘Conceptualisation and Measurement of Consumer Value in a Sport and Physical Activity Context’.
Crynodebau o'r gynhadledd - derbyniwyd:
Academy of Marketing Conference 2020 paper accepted entailed ‘The Value of ‘Free’ Understanding the value of taster sessions in a physical activity setting’ (wedi’i ohirio oherwydd COVID-19).
World Social Marketing Conference 2019: ‘Bringing it into the community: A community based social marketing programme’.
Academy of Marketing Conference 2013: ‘Conceptualising customer value in a leisure service setting: value is in the eye of the beholder’.
WISERD 2013 Conference: “The whole idea behind it is to get people away from going to doctors”:
Policy & Politics 40th Anniversary Conference 2012: ‘Why don’t people do what’s good for them? : an examination of the value(s) which affect physical activity’.
Academy of Marketing Conference 2012: ‘Towards developing understanding of the drivers, constraints from the consumption values underpinning participation in physical activity’.
Emerging Themes in Business 2012 Conference Proceedings: ‘Value-in-exchange or value-in-use? Empirical insights into consumer perception’, tt 289-315 (Casnewydd, 20 Mawrth 2012).