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Yr Athro Nick Clifton

Athro Daearyddiaeth Economaidd a Datblygu / Rhanbarthol/Cydlynydd FfRhY

Adran: Economeg Cyfrifeg a Chyllid

Rhif/lleoliad swyddfa: 1.44

Rhif ffôn:+44(0)29 2041 7159

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Trosolwg/bywgraffiad byr

Ymunais â Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd ym mis Ebrill 2009 o'r Ysgol Cynllunio a Daearyddiaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil ym meysydd datblygu rhanbarthol, busnesau bach ac entrepreneuriaeth, rhwydweithiau, strategaeth fusnes, arloesedd a chreadigrwydd.

Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi dros 140 o gyfraniadau i ddadleuon academaidd a pholisi, gan gynnwys dros 40 o erthyglau (nifer mewn cyfnodolion o'r radd flaenaf megis Astudiaethau Rhanbarthol, Amgylchedd a Chynllunio A, Amgylchedd a Chynllunio C) a phapurau gwaith, llyfrau golygedig (4), penodau llyfrau (14), adroddiadau ymchwil a phapurau cynhadledd (Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Rhanbarthol, Cymdeithas Daearyddwyr America, Sefydliad Busnesau Bach ac Entrepreneuriaeth, Cymdeithas Gwyddoniaeth Ranbarthol Ewrop) ar yr uchod.

Bûm yn ymwneud ag ymchwil, menter ac ymgynghori helaeth a ariennir yn allanol, gan gynnwys ar gyfer y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC), Gweithrediaeth yr Alban, Caerdydd a Co, Llywodraeth Cymru, Addysg Uwch Cyngor Cyllido Cymru (HEFCFW), Ffederasiwn y Busnesau Bach (FSB), Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU, a'r Gwaddol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Technoleg Gwyddoniaeth a'r Celfyddydau (NESTA).

  • Cydlynydd y Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil (REF) ar gyfer yr Ysgol Rheolaeth
  • Pwyllgor Gradd Ymchwil, Ymchwil a Menter Ysgol Rheolaeth Caerdydd
  • Pwyllgor hyrwyddo Athrawon a Darllenwyr Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd


  • Goruchwyliaeth Ddoethurol (Ph.D/DBA): 6 myfyriwr presennol.
  • Myfyrwyr Doethurol dan oruchwyliaeth i gwblhau: 7
  • Archwiliodd Myfyrwyr Doethurol: 13 (+1 MPhil)


Mae prosiectau ymchwil mawr wedi canolbwyntio ar gyrchu gwybodaeth ryngwladol busnesau bach a chanolig, rhwydweithiau arloesi, datganoli anghymesur yn y DU a dylunio a chyflwyno polisïau datblygu economaidd yn y DU, a'r ymchwiliad meintiol ac ansoddol Ewropeaidd trwyadl cyntaf o'r 'dosbarth creadigol'. Mae gwaith diweddar hefyd wedi archwilio'r cydadwaith rhwng diwylliant rhanbarthol a brandio rhanbarthol. Ar hyn o bryd, rwyf yn ymwneud ag ymchwil drawsddisgyblaethol gyda chydweithwyr ym Met Caerdydd (yr Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio) sy'n ymchwilio i gyfryngwyr arloesedd, creadigrwydd a'r defnydd o fannau 'cydweithio', a goblygiadau gofodol gweithio o bell yn dilyn Covid 19.

Cyhoeddiadau allweddol

  • Weidenfeld, A., Makkonen, T. and Clifton, N., (2021) “From interregional knowledge networks to systems” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171.
  • Reuschke, D., Clifton. N., and Fisher, M. (2021) “Coworking in homes – mitigating the tensions of the freelance economy”, Geoforum, 119, 122-132.
  • Clifton, N., Al-Baimani, A., Jones, E. and Pugh, R. (2021) “Applying the ecosystem model in a new context? the case of business incubation in Oman” Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy, 52(2), 663-686.
  • Clifton, N., Huggins, R., Pickernell, D., Prokop, D., Smith, D. and Thompson, P., (2020) “Networking and strategic planning to enhance small and medium‐sized enterprises growth in a less competitive economy”. Strategic Change, 29(6), 699-711.
  • Clifton, N., Füzi, A. and Loudon, G., (2019) “Coworking in the digital economy: Context, motivations, and outcomes” Futures,
  • Clifton, N. and Usai, A., (2018). Non-state nations: Structure, rescaling, and the role of territorial policy communities, illustrated by the cases of Wales and Sardinia. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37(6), 1024-1044.
  • Clifton, N., Comunian, R. and Chapain, C. (2015) “Creative Regions in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy”, European Planning Studies, 23(12), 2331-2335.
  • Clifton, N. and Macaulay, T. (2015) “Creativity, Cohesion and the ‘Post-conflict ’Society: A Policy Agenda (Illustrated from the Case of Northern Ireland)”, European Planning Studies, 23 (12), 2370-2389.
  • Clifton, N., Huggins, R., Morgan, B. and Thompson, P. (2015) “An Appropriate Tool for Entrepreneurial Learning in SMEs? the case of the ‘20Twenty Leadership Programme’”, Local Economy, 30(5), 534-56.
  • Huggins, R., Prokop, D., Steffenson, R., Johnston, A. and Clifton, N. (2014), “The engagement of entrepreneurial firms with universities: Network formation, innovation, and resilience”, Journal of General Management, 40 (1), 23-51.
  • Comunian, R., Chapain, C., and Clifton, N. (2014) Editorial for Special Issue of City, Culture and Society on ‘Creative industries & creative policies: a European perspective?, 5(2), 51-53.
  • Clifton, N., (2014) "Towards a holistic understanding of county of origin effects? branding of the region, branding from the region" Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 3(2), 122–132
  • Chapain, C., Clifton, N., and Comunian, R., (2013) ‘Understanding Creative Regions: Bridging the Gap between Global Discourses and Regional and National Contexts’, editorial for Regional Studies special issue on ‘Creative Regions: Diverging Dynamics for Creative Individuals and Industries between local policies and global discourses, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp 131-134.
  • Clifton, N., Cooke, P., and Hansen, H.K. (2013) “Towards a Reconciliation of the ‘Context-less’ with the ‘Space-less’? The Creative Class across Varieties of Capitalism – new evidence from Sweden and the UK”, Regional Studies, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp 201-215.
  • Clifton, N., O’Sullivan, D., and Pickernell, D., (2012) ‘Capacity-building, culture, and the contribution of public festivals: evaluating ‘Cardiff 2005’’, Event Management: an international journal, Vol.16, pp. 77–91.
  • Clifton, N. (2011) Regional culture in the market-place: place-branding and product branding as cultural exchange, European Planning Studies Vol. 19, No. 11. pp 1973-1994.
  • Huggins, R. and Clifton, N., (2011) ‘Competitiveness, Creativity, and Place-Based Development’, Environment and Planning A, Vol 43(6), pp 1341–1362.
  • Clifton, N., Pickernell, D., David, R., and Ehret, O. (2011) “An Analysis of Actual and Potential Clustering Structures, Stakeholder Governance Activities, and Cross-Locality Linkages in the Welsh Aerospace Industry”, European Planning Studies, Vol 19. No. 2, February 2011, pp. 279-309.
  • Clifton, N., Pickernell, D., Keast, R. and Senior, M., (2011) “Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Innovation Networks: An Initial Analysis of the Roles of Universities and other actors”, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, pp.113–134. Special Issue on Creating value through effective governance of knowledge sharing processes in inter-organizational partnerships.
  • Comunian, R., Chapain, C. and Clifton, N., (2010) ‘Location, location, location: exploring the complex relationship between creative industries and place’ (Editorial), Creative Industries Journal 3: 1+2, pp. 5–10.
  • Clifton, N., Pickernell, D., Keast, R. and Senior, M., (2010) “Network structure, knowledge governance and firm performance: Evidence from innovation networks and SMEs in the UK”, Growth and Change, Vol. 41(3), pp. 337–373.
  • Clifton, N., and Cooke, P. (2009) “Knowledge workers and creativity in Europe and North America: a comparative review”, Creative Industries Journal, Vol. 2(1), 73-89. Special issue on The Drivers and Processes of Creative Industries in Regions and Cities.
  • Clifton, N., Pickernell, D., and Senyard, J. (2009) “Think Global, Act Local? Universities, SMEs, and Innovation Frameworks” Industry and Higher Education Vol. 23(2), 79-89.
  • Clifton, N. (2008) “The ‘creative class’ in the UK: an initial analysis”. Geografiska Annaler Series B, vol. 90 (1): 63–82.
  • Cooke, P., Clifton, N., and Oleaga, M. (2005) “Social Capital, Firm Embeddedness and Regional Development”, Regional Studies, 39 (8), 1065–1077.
  • Cooke, P., and Clifton, N. (2005) “Visionary, precautionary and constrained ‘varieties of devolution’ in the economic governance of the devolved UK territories”, Regional Studies, 39 (4), 437-451.
  • Clifton, N., (2001) “Systems Suppliers: Towards ‘Best Practice’?”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 8 No. 3, 172-190.
  • Brooksbank, D., Clifton, N., Jones-Evans, D., and Pickernell, D. (2001) “The End of the Beginning?: Welsh Regional Policy and Objective One”, European Planning Studies Vol. 9 No. 2, 255-274.

Prosiectau a gweithgareddau eraill

Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n ymgysylltu â nhw (0.2FTE) ar y prosiect Cymunedau Arloesi Economi Gylchol a ariennir gan WEFO, sy'n cefnogi sefydliadau'r sector cyhoeddus i ddatblygu atebion newydd i wasanaethau a sicrhau manteision Economi Gylchol yn Ne Cymru.

Rwy'n aelod o'r Cawcws Arloesedd a ariennir gan Innovate UK a'r Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC) i gefnogi twf a arweinir gan arloesi a hyrwyddo mwy o ymgysylltiad rhwng y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a busnesau. Rwyf hefyd yn aelod cysylltiedig o'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Arloesedd (CIRCE) ym Mhrifysgol Lund, Sweden. Gwasanaethais hefyd ar Fwrdd Cynghori Ardal Fenter Canol Caerdydd.

Rwyf wedi gwasanaethu fel adolygydd gwyddonol ar gyfer y cyrff cyllido ymchwil canlynol:

  • Y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (DU)
  • Talaith Ymreolaethol Bolzano (De Tyrol),
  • Cyngor Ymchwil Iwerddon
  • Horizon 2020 (Cymrodoriaethau Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
  • Academi Brydeinig
  • Canolfan Wyddoniaeth Genedlaethol Gwlad Pwyl

Dolenni allanol

  • Twitter @FrannysTash
  • Rhestr Ysgolhaig Google
  • ResearchGate
  • Academaidd

Dylid cysylltu â thudalen Figshare Met Caerdydd unigol gan dybio bod hynny'n bosibl