Supporting Intercultural Learner Relationships in Higher Education: Case study M Sutcliffe and K Noble
Case Study in Learner Relationships in a Global Higher Education: Critical pedagogy in a multicultural world (provisional title), M Foster and D Killick, Routledge Series Internationalization in Higher Education, Edited by Elspeth Jones.
Space for Belonging: induction and beyond R Matheson and M Sutcliffe
Type: Book Chapter in Reframing Space for Learning, Bilham et-al
Reference: UCL Press
Transition In, Through and Out of Higher Education: R Matheson, S Tangney and M Sutcliffe
Type: Edited Book
Reference: Routledge
Belonging and transition: a postgraduate perspective M Sutcliffe and R Matheson
Type: Journal Paper
Reference: Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Creating belonging and transformation through the adoption of flexible pedagogies in Masters level International Business Management students R Matheson and M Sutcliffe
Type: Journal Paper
Reference: Teaching in Higher Education
Case: The Belonging Cube M Sutcliffe and R Matheson
Type: Case Study
Reference: Keale P.Ed Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Issues in Design and Delivery, Palgrave
Case: The Patchwork Portfolio Assessment M Sutcliffe and R Matheson
Type: Case Study
Reference: Keale P.Ed Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Issues in Design and Delivery, Palgrave
Belonging and Transition: A Postgraduate Experience
Type: Conference paper
Reference: Association of Business Schools. Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, York
Belonging and Transition: A Post Graduate Experience
Type: Conference paper
Reference: HEA Wales, Futures Directions Conference
1998, 2001 and 2004
Economics for Business (3 editions)
Type: Authored Book
Reference: Sloman J and Sutcliffe M. Economics for Business 3rd Ed, Pearson Education