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Addicott, K. (2017) There may be trouble ahead: exploring the changing shape of non-profit entrepreneurship in third sector organizations, Public Money & Management, Vol 37, No. 2, pp. 81-88
Papurau cynadleddau ac allbynnau eraill
Addicott, K. (2021) What’s Entrepreneurship Got To Do With It? Insights into women managers’ entrepreneurial practices in Welsh small to medium third sector organisations (SMTSOs)”. International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) International Conference 12-15 July 2021 -
Global Civil Society in Uncertain Times: Strengthening Diversity and Sustainability
Addicott, K. (2020) Entrepreneurial Leadership: insights into women managers’ entrepreneurial practices in Welsh small to medium voluntary organisations (SMVOs): Winner of best conference presentation, Advances in Management and Innovation Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff School of Management.
Addicott, K. (2019) This woman’s work: how women’s experience of managing and leading helps to develop understanding of entrepreneurial practice in Welsh small to medium voluntary organisations (SMVOs): Winner of Audrey Jones Memorial Award for research by women. Wales Assembly of Women Conference 2019 Women's rights are human rights: Enhancing Women's rights in Wales, Cardiff University, School of Social Science
Addicott, K. & Myers, J. (2015) To boldly go: women’s entrepreneurial behaviour in social enterprise sectors, Conference Proceedings, EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinki
Addicott, K. (2015) There may be trouble ahead: exploring the changing shape of non-profit entrepreneurship in third sector organizations, Conference Proceedings, Policy & Politics Conference, Bristol
Fish, A. & Addicott, K. (2009) Case Study Write On! Learning Through Life in Wales in Think Community: An exploration of the links between intergenerational practice and informal adult learning, NIACE & Dept. for Innovation, Universities and Skills.
Addicott, K., (2007) Overcoming Barriers to Intergenerational Engagement, FACE Conference Proceedings, University of Wales, Swansea
Fish, A. & Addicott, K., (2005) Case Study: Write On! Learning Through Life Project in Beth Johnson Foundation Intergenerational Guide,
Addicott, K.J., Payne, R.R., Saunders D.M. (2009) HE and the needs of voluntary sector work-based learning in Wales: Case Studies from the Voluntary Sector, in Challenging Isolation – The role of lifelong learning, Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education (FACE), London
Fish, A. & Addicott, K. (2009) Case Study Write on! Learning through life in Wales in Thomas, M. (2009) Think Community, An exploration of the links between intergenerational practice and informal adult learning, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, & NIACE
Payne RR, Addicott K and Saunders D (2008) Creating and managing partnerships with the voluntary sector: examples from Southeast Wales, in Tallantyre F (ed) Workforce development: Connections, frameworks and processes. York, HEA.