Traethawd Ymchwil Doethuriaeth:
“Ethical Decision-Making: An Exploratory Study on British and Chinese Manager Behaviour”, Chwefror 2010
Cynhadledd Academaidd:
“Moral Reasoning across National Contexts: A Qualitative Study of British and Chinese Managers”, Presented at the International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference Hydref 22-24 2015.
“How Does Ethical Behaviour of Individual Managers Transcend Local and International Boundaries? Evidence From British MNCs Operating in China and the United Kingdom”, Presented at the XIIITH European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Mai 2007
“Comparative Analysis of Managers’ Ethical Behaviour in Decision Making In China and the UK”, Presented at University of Glamorgan Business School Research Student Forum,, Tachwedd 2006
Cynhadledd Busnes:
The United Nations Global Compact Summit, Shanghai, Tsieina 31 Tach - 01 Rhag 2005. Yr uwchgynhadledd oedd y cyntaf o'i fath yn Tsieina ar gyfer cynhadledd fusnes ryngwladol lefel uchaf yn trafod cyfrifoldeb corfforaethol. Trefnwyd yr uwchgynhadledd gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Roedd tua 600 o weithredwyr busnes, llunwyr polisi ac arweinwyr meddwl o bob cwr o'r byd.
Cyhoeddiad ar y gweill:
“The Impact of National Culture on Moral Reasoning: A Study of British and Chinese Managers”
“Moral Reasoning across National Contexts: A Qualitative Study of British and Chinese Managers”
“Ethical Decision-Making Behaviours: How Chinese and British Managers working for British Multinational Enterprises Arrive at Ethical Decisions”