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Dr Joyce Costello

Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Rheoli Marchnata BA (Anrh) / Darlithydd mewn Marchnata

Adran: Marchnata a Strategaeth

Rhif/lleoliad swyddfa: 02.55A, Adeilad Ogmore, Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd, Campws Llandaf

Rhif ffôn:+44 (0)2920 417149

Cyfeiriad e-bost:

Trosolwg/bywgraffiad byr

Daw Joyce o Fyddin/Adran Fyddin yr UD a threuliodd 21 mlynedd fel newyddiadurwr darlledu ac arbenigwr materion cyhoeddus cyn mynd i'r byd academaidd. Mae hi'n dod ag amrywiaeth eang o brofiad i'r ystafell ddosbarth wrth ddelio ag argyfyngau rhyngwladol ledled y byd yn ogystal ag ymgyrchoedd marchnata integredig yn y sector cyhoeddus. Mae ei ffocws ymchwil ar gymhelliant gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, ymddygiad pro-gymdeithasol, ac integreiddiad cysylltiadau dylanwadol gan y sectorau cyhoeddus. Ar hyn o bryd mae hi'n derbyn ymgeiswyr PhD sydd eisiau archwilio Marchnata Dylanwadwyr.


Proffil Addysgu Ôl-raddedig

  • Goruchwyliaeth Traethawd Hir Meistr

Proffil Addysgu Israddedig

  • Rheoli Cyfrifon Allweddol ar gyfer Marchnatwyr
  • Rheolaeth Strategol ar gyfer Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus
  • Marchnata ar Waith
  • Goruchwyliaeth Traethawd Hir Israddedig


Ar hyn o bryd mae Joyce yn ymchwilio i ochr dywyll Marchnata Dylanwadwyr trwy archwilio sut mae unigolion sydd â chymhelliant gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn defnyddio eu statws dylanwadol i weithredu fel chwythwyr chwiban ar lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Cyhoeddiadau allweddol

Yesiloglu, S. & Costello, J. ed. (2020). Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge.

Costello, J. & Biondi, L. (2020) The art of deception: Will fake followers decay trust and can authenticity preserve it? Yesiloglu, S. & Costello, J. ed. Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge.

Costello, J. & Ubanska, K. (2020) “Hope this is not sponsored” – Is an influencer’s credibility impacted when using sponsored versus non-sponsored content? Yesiloglu, S. & Costello, J. ed. Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge.

Costello, J, Homberg, F., & Secchi, D. (2020) The Public Service Motivated Volunteer: Devoting Time or Effort? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Online March 2020.

Homberg, F., & Costello, J. (2019). Public Service Motivation and Civic Engagement: The Role of Pro-social Motivations in Shaping Society. Palgrave Pivot

Costello, J. (2019) Professed or actual corporate activism: An examination of when Nike’s actions conflict with social marketing efforts. In Corporate Activism: research, case studies and solutions for communicators to address a rising trend. pp. 57-63. Quadriga University of Applied Sciences. Ed. Ana Adi

Best, E., & Costello, J. (2019). The Impact of Public Service Motivation On Fundraising- The Emotional Charity Marketing Flaw. Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews - Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues. 2/2019. 22 pages.

Hayball, L., Waskiw, W. & Costello, J. (2019) An Analysis into the volunteering motivations of individuals in Denmark. Journal of Promotional Communications 7(2) 126-143.

Costello, J., & Oliver, J. (2018). Human Resource Management in the Media. In Handbook of Media Management and Economics (Media Management and Economics Series) (pp. 95-110). USA: Routledge.

Costello, J. (2018). Preparing tomorrow’s practitioners. In S. Waddington (Ed.), Platinum: An anthology of essays crowdsourced from members. Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Costello, J., Homberg, F., & Secchi, D. (2017). The public service-motivated volunteer devoting time or effort: a review and research agenda. Voluntary Sector Review, 1. doi:10.1332/204080517X14993297654383

Offong, G., & Costello, J. (2017). Enterprise Social Media Impact on Human Resource Practices. Evidence-based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship, 36 pages.

Huyen, T., & Costello, J. (2017). Quality versus Quantity: An Investigation into Electronic Word of Mouth’s Influence on Consumer Buying Intention. Journal of Promotional Communications, 5(2), 137-155.

Theofilou, A., Veneti, A., Watson, T., Costello, J., & Musarskaya, M. (n.d.). Proceedings of the International History of Public Relations 2017.

Herath, D., Costello, J., & Homberg, F. (2016). Team Problem Solving and Motivation under Disorganization – An agent-based modeling approach. Team Performance Management, 23(1/2). doi:10.1108/TPM-10-2015-0046

Prosiectau a gweithgareddau eraill

Dyddiadur yn adolygu / dyfarnu

European Management Review
Evidence based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
Journal of Public Relations Research
International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior
Local Government Studies
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship And Innovation
Voluntary Sector Review
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

Cyflwyniadau cynhadledd

Academy of Management 2015
British Academy of Management 2019, 2017
European Academy of Management 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
European Media Management 2017
International Congress for Public and Nonprofit Marketing 2018
XXII IRSPM Conference -International Research Society for Public Management 2018
International Society for Third-Sector Research 2016

Aelodaeth Broffesiynol

Cymdeithas Addysg ac Ymchwil Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus Ewrop
Cymdeithas Rheoli Cyfryngau Ewrop
Sefydliad Siartredig Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus (Aelod achrededig ers 2015)


Cymdeithas Rheoli Cyfryngau Ewrop, Ysgol Haf Rheoli Cyfryngau Ewropeaidd 2018-wedi'i chwblhau

Gwasanaeth Teledu Annibynnol, Effeithiolrwydd Hysbysebu ITV: Solus and Group Viewing 2017-wedi'i gwblhau

Prifysgol Bournemouth, URAP, Ymchwilio i Ffurfiau Arweinyddiaeth mewn Oes Ddigidol 2017-wedi'u cwblhau.

Dolenni allanol