Penodau o Lyfrau
Minor, K. and Heyes, A. (2021), The 50 shades of grey of the luxury hospitality industry, in Kotur, A. and Dixit, S. (Eds) Luxury Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Emerald (in press)
Minor, K. and Bratec, M. (2019), Management and Implications of Daily Deal Promotions in the Hospitality Industry: Towards Their Holistic Understanding, in Digital Marketing Strategies for Tourism, Hospitality, and Airline Industries, Jose Duarte Santos and Oscar Lima Silva (Eds), pp. 159-178
Erthyglau mewn cyfnodolion
Heyes, A. and Minor, K. (2021), Luxury hospitality – is this the time to rethink the ethical stance?, Research in Hospitality Management, Special Issue on Luxury Hospitality
Minor, K., Carlisle, S, and Dixey, L. (2020), Rethinking digital foci - what are the real digital needs of Welsh tourism organisations?, e-Review of Tourism Research 17(2), p.188-203
Budler, M., Bratec, M., Minor, K. and Tomat, L. (2019) A business model approach towards the understanding of daily deals within internet distribution systems, Tourism Economics, Special Issue: E-Tourism Economics, pp. 1-25
Tomat, L., Bratec, M., Minor, K. and Budler, M. (2018), Daily Deals in the Mediterranean Region: A data Analytical Approach, eReview of Tourism Research, 16(2-3), pp. 13-23
Trafodion a chyhoeddiadau cynhadledd
Minor, K., McLoughlin, E. and Richards, V. January 2012, Enhancing the Visitor Experience in the time of COVID 19: The use of AI Robotics in Pembrokeshire Coastal Pathway, ENTER2021, Virtual Conference
Minor, K., Carlisle, S, and Dixey, L. January 2020, Rethinking digital foci - what are the real digital needs of Welsh tourism organisations? ENTER2020, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Bratec, M. and Minor, K. September 2019, Exploring the innovative, knowledge-based use of daily deals distribution channel by hotel managers, AIRTH Conference, Innsbruck, Austria
Minor., K and Ritchie, C. June 2019, Hospitable or hostile? The impact of engagement with daily deal promotions upon food and beverage staff in small and medium hotels, International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences (ICCAS), Cardiff, Wales, UK
Minor, K. and Ritchie, C. May 2019, The impact of hotel engagement with Daily Deal promotions upon working environment of housekeeping staff in small and medium hotels, Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Conference, University of Greenwich, UK
Budler, M., Minor, K. Bratec, M and Tomat, L. March 2019 Applying business model logic to advance the understanding of daily deals in the hotel e-distribution, Transformative Business Models (TBM) International Conference: "Disruptive innovation in finance, logistics and tourism", Dubai, UAE
Minor, K., Bratec, M. and Tomat, L. January 2019, Daily Deals in the Mediterranean Region: Data Analytical Approach ENTER2019, Nicosia, Cyprus
Minor, K. and Ritchie, C. May 2018, The impact of hotel engagement with Daily Deal promotions upon working environment of hotel front office staff in small and medium hotels, Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK
Minor, K. and Ritchie, C. May 2018, The impact of hotel engagement with Daily Deal promotions upon working environment of hotel housekeeping staff in small and medium hotels, Advances in Management and Informatics (AMI) Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Minor, K. December 2016, Keynote Debate: Views of the Tourism in HE landscape post-EU Referendum, Panel Member, Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Cardiff, Wales,UK
Minor, K. and Ritchie, C. July 2016 Hospitality as a holistic experience for employees, Critical Hospitality Studies Symposium, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Minor, K. and Ritchie, C. February 2016 The effects of hotels engagement with daily deal websites on employment patterns and employee wellbeing, Enter2016 PhD Workshops, Bilbao, Spain